Landscaping & Gardening Information

Designing Your Garden for Better Mental Health

Gardening is not only a means for beautifying outdoor spaces and growing delicious foods. According to those who spend significant time in the yard, getting outside can also support your wellbeing.

Soil Organic Matter in the Garden—With What?

ncreasing the organic matter content of our soils is a permanent goal of gardeners and farmers alike. Let me state it more strongly: If I could do only one thing to improve the quality of my garden soil, it would be to increase the quantity of organic matter present.

Pest Management Tool Categories

In your garden you have beautiful plants, veggies, and so forth growing. However, for various reasons some of these do not make it to harvest—whether that be for the salad, the vase, or other use. In our discussion of pest management (and we could expand that to be "problem" management, which would include diseases and even weeds), we find a number of options for managing the problem.

Nature's pest management strategies

Nature uses interesting methods to manage its pests. As we apply these same principles to our gardens, we can enjoy the same fruits. These principles of natural pest management are key as we continue our series on combining ecological or natural principles with agricultural systems, which is the science of agroecology.

Principles of Agroecology

Increasingly you are interested in principles of sustainable production of plants in the garden, whether they be ornamentals or edibles.

Keep Your Planters & Hanging Baskets Looking Good

Keeping those beautiful hanging baskets looking good doesn't take a lot of time and it isn't necessary to work on them often. All it takes is a little pruning from time to time to keep them blooming and full.

Principles of Agroecology

Increasingly you are interested in principles of sustainable production of plants in the garden, whether they be ornamentals or edibles.

Nature's pest management strategies

Nature uses interesting methods to manage its pests. As we apply these same principles to our gardens, we can enjoy the same fruits. These principles of natural pest management are key as we continue our series on combining ecological or natural principles with agricultural systems, which is the science of agroecology.

Pest Management Tool Categories

In your garden you have beautiful plants, veggies, and so forth growing. However, for various reasons some of these do not make it to harvest—whether that be for the salad, the vase, or other use. In our discussion of pest management (and we could expand that to be "problem" management, which would include diseases and even weeds), we find a number of options for managing the problem.

Soil Organic Matter in the Garden—With What?

ncreasing the organic matter content of our soils is a permanent goal of gardeners and farmers alike. Let me state it more strongly: If I could do only one thing to improve the quality of my garden soil, it would be to increase the quantity of organic matter present.

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