Leadership Information

5 Leadership Power Principles!

95% of Workers Fail Because of This...But They Can Fix It

Did you know that your career success is based on yourmastery of one important skill?

Failure to apply your leadership power usually prevents youfrom realizing success in the workplace.

The organizational chart may not show you as a leader butyou can act like a leader if you choose to do so.

Leadership power is the primary cause of successfuloutcomes, great achievements and evolutionary progress.

Most people think only executives, presidents and generalspossess any leadership power but the facts reveal anothertruth - power is held by those who know where to obtain itand how to share it with others.

The problem with many of us is this - we need to learn howto empower our skills, enhance our competence and energizeour leadership power.

Power Principle 1 - Invest in your Infrastructure!

Your infrastructure contains the elements that will makeleadership power available to you. You must invest the timeand effort needed to build a strong, capable infrastructure.

=> Element-1 - MODEL SUCCESS - study the leadership methodsof great leaders

=> Element-2 - BE EAGER TO LEARN NEW THINGS - purchaseleadership skills training courses, materials or books

=> Element-3 - APPRECIATE YOURSELF - start recording yourthoughts, feelings, desires and experiences in a journal ordiary

=> Element-4 - HARMONIZE YOUR MIND - meet with like-mindedpeople who want to improve their leadership skills, talentsand behaviors

=> Element-5 - BE WILLING TO SERVE - begin to act like aleader by serving the needs of others through communityservice, teaching or by taking responsibility for removingsomeone else's burdens

Power Principle-2 - See Hope in Visionary Ways!

You can inspire people to act out of their fears or hopes.It is your choice - you can use worry or faith to makepeople respond to your leadership.

However, I put it to you, which path do you think is moreeffective, more likely to lead to good things? History hasshown us that the best course of action is always based onhope, faith or love.

Leaders must craft a vision of what hope will look like whenit becomes a tangible reality. Your statement of hope shouldinclude something tangible, specific, measurable,attainable, realistic, hopeful, enthusiastic and empowering.

There are many examples of visionary leadership at its mostinspiring best. Your vision should strive to be positive andvivid to others and worthy of pursuit by them, otherwisethey might not be moved to follow your lead.

Nobel Peace Laureate, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., positively expressed his hope as being the time when,

"...we allow freedom to ring, when we let it ring from every tenement and every hamlet, from every state and every city, we will be able to speed up that day when all of God's children, black men and white men, Jews and Gentiles, Protestants and Catholics, will be able to join hands and sing in the words of the old Negro spiritual, "Free at last, free at last. Thank God Almighty, we are free at last."

Power Principle-3 - Strategies are for Drivers!

Strategy is for those leaders who yearn to get there! Yourvision may sound pretty and look nice but without a vehicleyou won't be able to take your vision on that special date.

Your leadership power gets most of its energy from astrategy that just begs to be driven. Your strategy can helpyou sustain the momentum and force of your vision.

In my time, I've seen plenty of ugly cars, trucks and trainsbut they all had one thing in common - they would take youwherever you wanted to go and could make the journey ofgetting there just as exciting, memorable and comfortable asany roadway beauty.

You will need to drive your strategy

=> by steering towards your stretch goals,

=> by filling-up with the right resources,

=> by using a roadmap to navigate through the thorny areas

=> by measuring the effectiveness of its progress andexecution.

Power Principle-4 - Do You Speak The Language?

Are your words doing the job they need to do? Are yourthoughts reaching out to connect with their hearts andminds? Do you appreciate their uniqueness, commitment andcontributions?

There is a certain magic which happens when our wordsaccomplish their purpose. To create the Universe, God said,"Let there be light", and there was light!

Our words have the power to create or destroy - we mustunderstand that the words we speak have the ability to bringlife or death to the situation.

Ideas, procedures, opinions, facts and dreams arereflections of our thoughts. We think therefore we are whowe are. Leaders use the language of meanings, beliefs andfeelings to connect with and compliment the hearts and mindsof people.

Studies on motivation reveal humans are hungry forrecognition and acceptance. The easiest way to motivate aperson is based on your continual, sincere and realisticshow of appreciation for their talents, achievements,good-faith efforts and positive attitude.

Power Principle-5 - Be Congruent, Consistent, Cooperative!

There is something off-beat, brittle and frail about abuilding that is missing key parts of its structure - abroken roof, steel bars sticking out of the walls, crumblingfoundation can make you wonder how or why the building isstill standing.

Congruency is the state effective leaders try to maintain intheir actions -

=> they line-up their actions with their words,

=> they link their values to their behaviors,

=> their attitudes are in-sync with their conversations

Consistency is judged by your performance over time -

=> Do you always apply the same standards to everyone?

=> Do you usually make your decisions based on all theavailable facts?

=> Do you appear to act and behave in the same ways you dowhen facing similar kinds of situations?

Cooperative people know that using honey captures moreflies! To win over people to your point of view, yourhistory of respecting, valuing and working with theirdesires, differences and decisions goes a long way ingaining their cooperation with your plans.

Great leaders have always cooperated with people by

=> Asking for their opinions, thoughts and experiences

=> Listening to them, showing understanding by summarizingtheir statements

=> Incorporating their ideas, beliefs and meanings into theleader's statements [using the more powerful pronoun, "we"to express those ideas and decisions]


Do you agree that these 5 principles can energize yourleadership power? Regardless of your job title or formalauthority, using all five will increase your power andeffectiveness in your workplace, home and community.

In my life, I have found that these principles do addconsiderable influence to my ideas and dreams. People tellothers that

=> I can be trusted to do the right thing,

=> I always gather the right people together to get the jobdone in an harmonious manner and

=> My ideas and feelings are exact reflections of their ownbeliefs and meanings

You can put these principles to work because each one usesyour own unique talents, efforts and resources.

Take advantage of Internet research and educationalmaterials, visit other offices, volunteer your time to aworthy cause, take an online training course or two,practice the art of leadership on your friends, family andcolleagues at work.

You can become a more powerful leader starting right whereyou are - you can start today.

"I am personally convinced that one person can be a changecatalyst, a "transformer" in any situation, anyorganization. Such an individual is yeast that can leaven anentire loaf. It requires vision, initiative, patience,respect, persistence, courage, and faith to be atransforming leader."
Dr. Stephen R. Covey, author of, "The Seven Habits of HighlyEffective People" and other titles.

Can you see yourself acting as a powerful, transforming andenriching leader? Can you use the Principles of Power toincrease your influence and effectiveness? Can you be allthat you can be and share that power with the world?

You can learn more about this subject by reading our 'blog': Leadership skills training & development for creating energy!
Leadership skills training & development for creating energy!

I know you can do it all and do it well and do it with yourown personal style - please let me know when you begin thejourney and I'll send you a letter of congratulations.

Copyright © 2004, Mustard Seed Investments Inc.,
All rights reserved.

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