Loans Information

Fast Cash Loans - When You Should Borrow and When You Should Wait

A fast cash loan should be an option used as a last resort to avoid a financial emergency. With its interest rates, a cash loan should not be used to purchase the latest gadget or fashion item.

Avoid A Late Payment

A late payment can cost you more than just a late fee; it can raise your interest rates on credit cards and future long-term loans. Higher interest rates on a car or home will cost more than a few dollars for a cash loan. While you shouldn't make it a habit to pay bills with a cash loan, it is better than missing a bill payment and lowering your credit score.

Skip A Non-Sufficient Fund Fee

While a cash loan fee is high, a NSF fee on a check can easily be higher, especially if the merchant charges a fee as well. To avoid these spiraling cost, make sure your checks are covered with a cash loan.

Keep Your Job

If keeping your job means you have to get your car fixed today and you are out of cash, then use a payday loan. It is better to pay the fees than lose your job. Payday loans are ideal for these types of situations.

Delay A Payment

Not all late payments warrant getting a cash loan. If you will be less than 30 days late on a bill, it will not show up on your credit score. You may have to pay a late charge though, which is typically less than the finance fee for a cash loan.

Wait On Impulse Purchases

A cash loan is not a good way to fund an impulse purchase. Even if the item is on sale, it probably isn't reduced enough to warrant paying fees on a cash loan. Instead, wait to make the purchase until you have enough money on hand.

Your decision to get a cash loan or not should be based on what is in your financial best interests. Cash loans, when used wisely, can save you from a financial emergency. Keep in mind the cost of a cash loan's financing fees when factoring the cost of your decision.

To view our list of recommended payday loan companies online, visit this page: Recommended Payday or Cash Advance Companies Online.

Carrie Reeder is the owner of ABC Loan Guide, an informational website about various types of loans.

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