Restaurant Recruiting

By Peter Emerson

When restaurants begin recruiting, there are a number of factors that have to be taken into consideration. These include human resource development and the requirement of employees. Along with effective management, logistics plays an important role. The number of employees required by a restaurant depends upon the scale of its operation, the level of mechanization, and the system of work.

In the case of retail food chains, there may be a single person in charge of recruiting employees, for all the outlets. This is done in order to maintain uniformity in the selection process and in the qualifications of the candidates selected.

When managers or owners of restaurants want to recruit part-time employees, they may be willing to recruit college students, currently pursuing a degree in some aspect of hotel management. Restaurants that operate on a larger scale, call for degrees in hotel management.

The plan for restaurant recruiting, as devised by the management, should be carefully scrutinized before the candidates are employed. It is advisable that the recruitment should be done in a structured manner, by the personnel department of the restaurant. The personnel department has to take into account the requirements of the various departments.

A lot of people who own or run restaurants do not know the technique involved in interviewing potential employees. The restaurant could be a fast food center, a regular dining restaurant or an upscale restaurant, but recruiting the wrong employee for the post can prove to be costly.

The management has to consider the costs of advertising, interviewing time, interrupted customer service, training and severance pay. The management should select and calculate each step of the hiring process costs, in terms of time and money. A little research and planning can prove worthwhile in the end.

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