Positive Attitude Information

Golden Rule Week is Coming! Are You Ready to Join?

It was a bright, busy Sunday afternoon in a restaurant, and the woman bussing our dishes beamed. I’d just complimented her lovely pink nail polish. “It’s hard in this job,” she smiled as she wiggled her fingers in display. “But I try to take care of my nails.” She gave us an extra grin as she cleared our plates.

Working Together, an Essential for Every Family

I was not quite five years old when I stood, looking up the steps to our upstairs, yelling "Mommy hurry, Mamaw is dying." My grandmother Ina Hinkle and aunt Maude Hinkle were in the room trying to comfort my Mamaw Mollette.

Ian - When Devastation Happens

Life changes all the time. Nothing is permanent. The only constant is change.

Make Today a Good Day

Life is one day at a time. You don't have tomorrow. You hope for tomorrow but it's not guaranteed. We plan for tomorrow. We save for tomorrow and look forward to tomorrow.

Make Today a Good One

Let's all try to spend today and the rest of our lives more wisely. With rising inflation, we are all having to spend our hard-earned paychecks with care. Life is the same. We have less life today than yesterday. We don't have as much life to spend today. We are all clueless how much life we actually have left to spend. Even if we have a lot of life left there is no guarantee of the quality of our remaining lives.

Finding Hope and Life Before Death

Most of us have wondered about life beyond the grave. Many today are in search of life before the grave. Given what many people traditionally believe about heaven, eternity and life beyond, it would certainly seem very valuable to think about a life beyond. However, what about life here?

Living Life Lighter

Carrying baggage is exhausting. When traveling we often pack more than we need. When making a trip it's always easier to travel light.

You Can At Least Say Howdy

"Howdy," was a common everyday word where I grew up. Raised on old Stidham, now known as Milo road in rural Appalachia, I spent a lot of time at my Grandpa and Grandma Hinkle's store. People came and went buying gasoline, sandwich meat, snacks or groceries for the week. There were cane bottom chairs in the store. Often people would sit and chat for a while.

Lessons From a War-Torn Garden

Walking home from dinner, we heard an explosion. It wasn't close, so we didn't worry. The next morning, we learned a demobilized Serbian soldier had committed suicide in his garage with a grenade. That happened a lot.

I'm a Privileged American . Please Put Race Aside

I do not feel like a privileged person today when I watch Olympic competitions. These young white, black, and Asian athletes from around the world have been given incredible opportunities to train and specialize in their events. When I should have started such training as a child, I did not even know there was such a thing. When we had a functional television in our home, which was rare, we had atrocious reception. I remember hearing Neil Armstrong's famous words, but I could not see anything on the screen. I rarely participated in any after school opportunities because it felt wrong to ask my parents to figure out how to get me home afterwards. Our central heating used a coal furnace which I never successfully learned to fire. I slept in a sleeping bag all winter long. In spite of the challenges, I was comfortable and happy with my life. I felt like a privileged American.

Develop a Plan for 2022

Proverbs 29.18 "Where there is no vision the people perish. "Everyone needs a strategy. You may be 25 or 85 years in age. Who cares? Probably the only one who cares about your age is you. Your age either tells you that you are too young or too old. Remember, age is only a number. We have to put numbers aside and go with our hearts. If God is in it then don't worry about the number.

Our Most Difficult Decision for 2022

2022 will be over almost quicker than you can say Happy New Year! Just look how fast 2021 sped by us all. Time rarely feels as if it's standing still unless we are waiting on something to happen. Time only drags when we need something to happen like a cure for a disease, a job to open or a relative to come home. When time drags, we make the mistake of wishing it away.

Turn The Page

Fall season officially begins September 22 this year. For every season there is a change. Most of us like the seasons especially if we can have four of them.

Simple Principles for a Great Day

Work hard. You feel better and have more money working than if you are doing nothing. Your job is not forever. Visualize the work you want to do and then move your life toward that kind of work. This may require training. Working a low-level paying job in the profession or industry of interest to gain knowledge will help. Be flexible realizing the work you are doing now is preparing you for other opportunities. Working jobs, you don't enjoy will still provide valuable lessons for wherever you want to be later in life. You will also have some money while figuring it out.

Why Do Some Affirmations *Work* - and Others Dont?

By definition,an affirmation is a statement repeated time andagain either verbally or mentally-or written down. The wordsof the affirmation statement - in themselves -when spoken,thought of, or written *without* a pictorial (visualized) oremotional connection- make a very weak affirmation.

Positive Mental Attitude

Look at this glass on the table in front of you. Is it half-full or is it half-empty? Now, do you realize that it is entirely for you to decide what the answer to this question is going to be.

Top Ten Ways to a More Positive Outlook on Winter

Year after year I find more and more individuals saying to me that they were still waiting for the warm temperatures to arrive one more time before the snow comes. In many ways these individuals did not have a very positive outlook on the arrival of the winter season.

Why Positive Thinking Doesnt Work!

There was someone I used to work with who, well aware of their tendency to look at the negative side of things, used to constantly tell themselves to "think more positively". This was said with such a feeling of desperation that I just knew that not only would they NOT think positively, they would probably go even further into negative thinking.

Power of Positive Beliefs

I am an educator as well as a coach and am interested in what it is that brings out the best in the people with whom I work. Over the last few years I have read a great deal of research on the power of beliefs.

Be Positive

This may sound quite aberrant to most of the younger generations who are not really exposed to the personality development articles, books or motivational lectures.Being positive does not indicate that we aren't able to handle a situation which is of abstruse nature.

Positive Mental Attitude

1. Smile2.

Anamchara - Beyond Positive Thinking

One of the most well known books ever written on success is James Allan's "As a man thinketh."This book advocates thinking in a positive manner in order to create the life you dream of having.

Your Mental Attitude is The Key!

As a being of thought, your dominant mental attitude will determine your condition in life. It will also be the gauge of your knowledge and the measures of your attainment.

Life Changing Attitude

Do you really believe that there is anything in this world that is impossible?I'm 21 and I had to grow up at accelerated rates because of multiple circumstances in my life. One of them was the divorce of my parents, my mother had no money and my father didn't seem to care about me and my brother.

11 Great Ways to be Positive about Change

Look for the positives!Seek them out - those little scary places that it's challenging to let yourself go to - the positives are genuinely scary, because they give you hope and it's hard to let go of all the fears you have right now - so hanging onto them is the easiest path!So try letting yourself go, just for the heck of it!Take that step back from being 'done to' and take the initiative. At work, at home or wherever, this can be a great time, if you let it.

Affecting Positive Results Through Affirmations

Last time we talked about how to begin building the mind's powerful framework for success. The lesson we needed to learn was that self-talk has a powerful affect on the results we achieve.

How Tapping The Goodness Within Attracts Positive Change

If your life is difficult--if it's challenging, exasperating, and vexatious-- then it's time to tap the goodness within.Your life can be another way--if you let it be.

Impact of Positive and Negative Catalysts on Events in Human Lives

Have you ever noticed what can happen if you just met a friend in the street and shared a cab? You are both in the cab, all is fine, you plan to attend a social function and suddenly your cab gets involved in an accident. The police comes and you are a witness in an unforeseen event.

Internet Tip of the Week: The Power of Positive Thinking

The late Norman Vincent Peale was a controversial preacher who burst into public consciousness with his best-selling book, "The Power of Positive Thinking". He believed that ordinary people could become really quite remarkable when they start thinking that they can do things, and when they believe in themselves, they have the secret of success.

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