Science Information Site Map

Data Centers Are Unsustainable. We Must Store Data in DNA.
New Energy Bill: Reducing Our Dependence on Foreign Oil
America and its Collision Course
Positive Effects of Carbon Dioxide for Plant Growth
Marine News - Summer 2004 - Our Ocean Environment
How Body Piercing Works -- The Ins and Outs of this Cutting Edge Process
The Joy of Recycling
Energy and America
Diamond Flashes
The Valuable Individual
Trash Talk Your Way to a Better World
Get Hot on Combustion
Why Condition Your Boiler Water?
Tsunami Defined
Glyco Nutrients & Stem Cell Production
Traffic Zoology
Pre-empt the Radiation or Die
How Satellite TV Systems Originated
Alchemy: Turning Rocks to Gold Since the Middle Ages!
A Wake Up Call To The Scientific Community
Why Dont Moths Fly to the Moon?
Feb. 12 is Darwin Day -- Secular Americans Celebrate Bday of Evolution Champ
Paternity Testing - Are You Raising Someone Elses Child?
The Wages of Science
The Ecology of Environmentalism
Paper - More than Meets the Eye
How Albert Einstein Saw Things A Little Differently
Lets Get Dirty
Veterinary Hematology 101; 2005 Abstract
Divining Your Soul Number
TSUNAMI The Next Big Wave:The Grandaddy of Them All
How I Became Interested In Looking At The Moon
51 Easy, Eco-Friendly Ways You Can Help Sustain Planet Earth
Global Dumbing?
Movin On: Taking Transhumanism in Stride
Surgical Biomaterials and Tissue Regeneration Technologies
The Debate About Cloning
Eugenics and the Future of the Human Species
Treating Chronic Mutational Hepatitis B with Chinese Medicine Vitalliver (Vigconic Suppositories)
What are GE and GMO Crops?
Tsunami warnings by 2006
What is Dowsing?
Electrical Industrys Protection - Destruction for Good
Troubleshooting Pump Problems the Easy Way
Energy Aware and Waste Wise
Aerospace Design Thoughts, The Bionic Man, and The Future of Design
Aerodynamics of a Flying Disk or Flying Sphere
DNA Profiling: Its Uses In Court
The Quantum Theory of Holy Languages
The Best and Worst of April's Weather
Secrets of The Mathematical Symmetry of Nature and Patterns of Erosion
UUV - Unmanned Underwater Vehicles to be Used for Fish Farming or Algae Bloom Removal
Hydro-Mini Tsunami-Perpetual Wave Making Machine
Electromagnetic Energy in Meteorites - Theory
Space Travel - Human Innate Bonding to ELF - Extremely Low Frequencies of Planet Earth
Life on Mars, Warm Water Under our Ice Caps, Evidence, Microbes under Our Feet
Predictions of Mayan Calendar Followers? 2012 is Just Around the Corner
N400 Brain Wave to Assist in Learning and in Performance
Heads Up Displays and Computer Human Interface
That Dust on Your Car May Soon Be Smarter Than You Think?
Composite Materials in Ships, Pipelines, Liners and Aircraft
Ceramic Coatings Inside Plastic Water Bottles?
Magnetic Propulsion for GI Joe?
Brain Waves Activating to the Tune of a Different Drummer?
Increasing Lightening Storm Intensity and Direction Control of Strikes
Creating Artificial Time in a Vacuum With Pulsed Lasers
Sound From Transmission Power Lines Should Never Be Wasted
Preventing Flooding on Individual Farmers Fields to Save Crops
Should We Allow The Genetic Modification of Insects?
Remote Control Bacteria; We Can Not Allow That.
Electromagnetism, The Universe, And You
Natural Gas Cost Increases; Want to know more?
Drought Worsened in Some States in 2004; 2005 will be very telling
Electromagnetic Energy in Space
Super Volcano: Can The Disaster Be Prevented?
UAV Stealth and Radar Energy Capture for Power and Propulsion
Robotic MAV- Micro Air Vehicle Based on an Organic Humming Bird Model
Mini UAV and MAV Power Plants
Mini-Robots, Motherships, Swarm Strategies, Wasps, Ants, Organization and Delivery
UAV Mini - Torpedo Bombers for Eliminating Hydro Cushioned Water Craft
Launching 400 UAVs from a Transport Plane
X-37 UAV Has Potential
UAV Defense, UAV Recovery, Material Research, Infected Birds with Virus Plastic Net
UAV Blimps Powered By Hydro-Electric Motors Using Hydro and Fluid Dynamic Theory
UAV Air-Breathing SAM Upgrade Recommendations
Aerodynamics and Hydrodynamics of the Marine Life and Uses for AI, UAVs, Robotics, and the Future
Aerodynamics and Hydrodynamics of the Human Body, Birds, and Boeing
Aerodynamic Changes Need To Be Made In MAVs; Micro Air Autonomous Vehicles
Small Attack Submarines, Which Turn Into Hydrofoils and Fly
Shooting Down a UAV in Flight
Para Trooper Gliders With Angle of Attack Motor or Crank
MAVs, UAVs, and Insect Flight Characteristics
UAV - Terrain Following Technologies
MAV Propulsion and Testing
Confusing MAV Optic Flow Sensors In flight Using Mobiles
Surround Panoramic Night Vision is Possible
Micro Blimps Cleaning the Air in Buildings to Eliminate Anthrax spores
Free Energy from Space
Active Aerial Minefields
747 Onboard Laser Might Cause Mistake and Identity
Bio-Rhythm Disruption Frequency Identifier for Human Intentions
Re-Designing the ICBM With The Latest and Greatest Technology
Preventing Death in a Bio Threat
Aluminum Oxide to Disrupt Laser Weapons
Human Motion, Walking, Running and Gait for Identification
Down Scrolling Text to Find Patterns
Organic Decoy Devices for Warfare (ODDW)
Military Convoy Artificial Tubes for Safe Travel
Building a Single Unit CO2 Laser Grid
Weather Control and Creation to Use as a Screen for Troop Advancement
Shamans and Their Documented Abilities
How to Build a Mechanical Bullet Which Turns
Laser Attack, EA, Scalar Attack on Composite Manufactured Vehicles
Tunneling Concepts for Advanced Warfare
Lighter Than Air Tubular Flight
A Call for a Worldwide Campaign on Water Conservation
Bees Wax; History and Origin
What are the Biggest Solar Projects?
Humans and Bees Go Back a Long Way
Making a Lightening Storm?
Visual Limits of the Human Brain Processing Speed
Will Clones Run the World?
The Fall and Fall of the p-Zine
A Tuned Bio-Field and a New Definition of Consciousness: Part 1
A Tuned Bio-Field and a New Definition of Consciousness: Part 2
NASA Budget VS Social Programs
Planet Hugging
We Have Come Along Way in Our Exploitation of Transportation
Electric Power Production From Magnetic Tapes
Travertine Information
Medical Miracle or Mistake?
Using High Altitude Blimp Cell Phone Communication
Enemy UAV Defense is under consideration
Space Probes Speed Up
Cloaking the Postage Stamp Modern Aircraft Carrier
Cloaking a UAV in Flight
Philosophical Discussion of Distribution Systems
How Do Cities Grow?
Efficient Transportation Systems
Older C-130 Hercules Aircraft Problematic
Issues with Aerial Fire Fighting
4D Mapping of Mars Will Find Life
June 2005: Weather Forecasts for Vacationers
The Impact of Efficient Epistemologies on Algorithms
Many Sci Fi writers have discussed Earthquake predictions
Environmental Eco-Terrorists Must Be Stopped
Crop Circles and Genetic Knowledge
Army Mobile Command Center for UAV Launch
The History and Achievements of the Hubble Telescope
Servicing Missions to the Hubble Space Telescope
Three Types of Telescopes - What are the Advantages
Paternity Testing Regulation: Help or Hindrance?
Whispering Windows For Observation Decks of ISS and Moon Colonies
Ultra Thin Space Suits, just a concept
Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Mudslides: Extreme Events - What Do They Mean?
Mars is not hollow; is it?
There is a Core at the Center of the Earth; Right?
Does the Earth Have Hollow Areas Inside it?
Why Can't Our Brain Process What We See Faster?
A Case for Human Machine Visual Interface
Augmented Reality and 3D 360-Vision
The Future Enhancements of Tele-Robotics
Transfer Technologies and Advances in Future Combat
Robotics Wars
Conspiring to Create Our Weather
Moon Rover Robotic Concept; Planetary Exploration
Aliens in Archaeology
Saving Private Ryan in Iraq - Stop the Bleeding
Debunking the Debunker
Flying a Beach Ball UFO
God Created Man, 5000 years ago?
Science Fiction by Arthur C Clarke
Chimpanzees and Humans a lot in common
Fire Escape System Concept
UAV Acoustic Apparatus for Insect Swarming Stimulus, part one
UAV Acoustic Apparatus for Insect Swarming Stimulus, part two
Submarine Propulsion and Internet web sources
Locusts To Help Make Energy From Bio Waste, part I
Locusts To Help Make Energy From Bio Waste, part II
Locusts To Help Make Energy From Bio Waste, part III
Locusts To Help Make Energy From Bio Waste, part IV
Laser Ionization Airflow Tunnel Flight Theory
UAVs and The Future Enhancements of Tele-Robotics
Megaliths and Pole Flips
Gerald Hawkins
Big Bang or Lots of Big Fire Crackers?
Underground Cities, Save the Humans
Hyper Sound Wave Emissions to Quiet Helicopters
Memory Research Misses the Obvious
Increasing Human Brain Power, Concept
Theoretically is it Possible to Defy Gravity?
Astrophysics and Other Universe Sentient Life
Hominid Inter-breeding
Stem Cells (The Truth)
The Bill Clinton Neuron And The Sweat Neuron
Mystical Physicists
A Review of Scientific American Magazine
Reverse Osmosis and Deionized Water Filtration
Controls - The Building Blocks of Automation
Transducers - The Remarkable Changers
The As Have it
Mars Surface Exploration and AFF
Mini Robots Grid Meteorite Search
Social Robotic Bees to Prevent Killer Bee Attacks on Cities
Hurricane and Typhoons Show Drop in Ozone Levels
Acoustic Transducers and Light Waves for VSTOL, a Concept
Ocean Polymer Goo to Stop Enemy Ships, a Concept
Atlantis through Science
Rover Stuck on Mars?
Precognition Shock to Prevent Bullet Strike
Cold Fusion
RFID Sensors to Protect Water Supplies
Acoustic Transducers To Detect And Eliminate Incoming Mortar Rounds
Droughts and Salt Water Canals Random Thoughts
Trojan World War
A Unique History of the Light Bulb
Welcome to the Eye Science
Rodent Populations are Half within 3 miles of a Railroad Track
How A Light Bulb Works and Other Interesting Tidbits
Institute of Noetic Sciences
The Bermuda Triangle and Antarctica
Hobbits and Lice
Equipment for the Amateur Astronomer - Part 1
The Fertilization Process and Implications of Test Tube Babies
Ancient Inventions and Anthropology
Earthquake and Disaster Delays in Scientific Innovation
Using Mosquito MEMS to Collect DNA Samples
Hibernate Enemy with Gas Cloud
Methods of Improving Boiler Efficiency
Can Rain Makers Really Make Rain?
Randomness Versus Predetermination
MP Apprehension of High Strung or Drunken Soldiers
CCTV Decoy Registration System
Gulf of Mexico Formed by a Rotating Hurricane Trapped in the Region
Smart Dust and Virtual Keyboards
Ground Targets Via Space Laser Weapons
Hibernating Humans for Space Flight
Spray on Dirt for Camouflage
Acoustic Transducers for High Altitude Balloon Control
Saving People in Disaster Crisis, Concept
Pandemic Crisis Cure Concept
Dream Therapy and Learning thru Human Hibernation
DNA Testing Has Changed Everything
DNA Testing Breaks Down Barriers in the Court Room
Living In Arizona Boulders--Where Did They Come From?
Is Thought Evident in Plants?
Life Under Mars Ice Shelf?
The Intricacies of a Compound Microscope
Ancient Navigation and Mapping
The Harmonic
Cord Blood and Its Uses
Pre-Neolithic Calendars (Accurate)
Static Charge Pulse on Wind Generator Material Memory Blades
Making Diamonds Using The Earth
Einstein Half Dead
An Immortal Horse
Where Do Insects Go When It Rains?
Embryonic Stem Cell
Mississippi River Mouth Debris Jetting Using Acoustic Transducers
Acoustic Transducers and Material Memory in Pipelines to Create Flow Up Hill
Building an Ice House on Mars
Tactile Pressure Sensors for Future Robotics
Tactile Squeegee for Plexiglas Windows
How Did DNA Testing Children Begin?
How Can DNA Testing Help an Immigration Case?
Telescopes - Principle of Operation and Factors that Affect Its Properties
What is Science?
Is Your Brain Really Necessary?

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How Satellite TV Systems Originated
What we know as satellite tv actually had its origins in the space race which began with the launching of the satellite Sputnik by the Russians in 1957. The first communication satellite was developed and launched by a consortium of business and government entities in 1963.
Hydro-Mini Tsunami-Perpetual Wave Making Machine
Let's describe this idea as a Self Generating a Tsunami-Perpetual Wave Pattern Making Machine to Derive Mini-Hydro Power Systems in Rivers.Hydro-Mini Tsunami-Perpetual Wave Making Machine.
Electromagnetic Energy in Meteorites - Theory
I have some friends who have the largest private meteor collection on Earth. He and his son 14 years old and a candidate for this idea; Now then in conversations, they explained all the cataloged meteor findings and found that each US state has 500 (there is an encyclopedia of such no doubt?) or so findings and confirmed by tests such as cross cut section, material grain patterns, density not found on Earth, etc, etc.
Servicing Missions to the Hubble Space Telescope
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Saving Private Ryan in Iraq - Stop the Bleeding
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Planet Hugging
Tree hugging is a thing of the past. It is not just about the trees anymore.
Micro Blimps Cleaning the Air in Buildings to Eliminate Anthrax spores
Presently mini-blimps are being deployed in government leadership buildings as sensor units to identify biological threats in the air. We believe this new technology being deployed in this way is a most excellent use of such technology.
Lighter Than Air Tubular Flight
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Precognition Shock to Prevent Bullet Strike
It is a pretty well known fact and has been proven that the body seems to pre-adjust to changes in advance of events by a second or two. For instance there have been studies of test subjects with finger sensors, which would show the subjects pulse or adrenaline spiked right before they were to be shocked.
Aerodynamics and Hydrodynamics of the Marine Life and Uses for AI, UAVs, Robotics, and the Future
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Predictions of Mayan Calendar Followers? 2012 is Just Around the Corner
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The Joy of Recycling
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A Call for a Worldwide Campaign on Water Conservation
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Rodent Populations are Half within 3 miles of a Railroad Track
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How Body Piercing Works -- The Ins and Outs of this Cutting Edge Process
Body piercing (defined as any piercing beyond the standard earlobe piercing) has become such a popular form of body modification that between five and ten percent of the population of the United States has indulged in at least one form of it at some time in their lives. In most cases, once a person gets a body piercing, they follow the first one with more.
The Quantum Theory of Holy Languages
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Visual Limits of the Human Brain Processing Speed
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