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Take a Break - Have a Pity Party
Pity parties are nothing new. In fact, we do it all the time and I'm guessing that you probably go to many... you know, you get together with some friends and you'll bemoan the state of your industry. No one understands what we do and how we can help them. Companies are always spending less and less on the services I have to offer. I only get called in to sort things out when it's too late. Then they expect me to work miracles. Why don't people plan ahead? Then you'll despair at the how much stuff you've got to do and how little time you find in each day. Though this letting off steam is probably good for your blood pressure, having a moan without taking any action can become habitual and bad for your business. Our pity party will help you let off steam [productively] and then show you a way to move forwards. Ok, are you ready? You need to be in the right frame of mind for this to work properly, make sure you're really feeling the pain and stress, get yourself a big sheet of paper, some colouring-in pens and let's get started. The first thing we'd like you to do is consider this statement:"It's a pity marketing can be difficult for my business. This is because..." Then write down as many reasons as you can think of as quickly as possible. Don't find ways to solve these problems yet, just list all the pities you can think of. Just write down as many problems as you can. Share your best (or worst) ones with us using the form on our website... www.leanmarketing.co.uk/pityparties and we'll give you a recommendation. These are the limiting beliefs that stop you from being great at marketing your business. By getting all these "pities" down on paper we can begin to address them. So, have you done it? Have you completely dumped all your pities onto a page? If so, read on, if not - do it now! Really, this only works if you put ALL your pities down on paper - you must try really hard, I know it's difficult ;-) Struggling for ideas? What about: time, money, resources, lack of knowledge (yours and potential clients), fear of rejection, don't know what to measure, can't decide what to do next... Now, I want you to stand up - and go and find a mirror (take your pity party with you!) Stand in front of the mirror and read through all your difficulties, challenges, problems. While reading each one aloud, really feel the emotion that comes with it. Feel the despair, the fear, the rejection - go on really feel it - let your shoulders droop and the corners of your mouth turn down. Now, say out loud, keeping that feeling of pity with you, "I want your business". That's what your prospective client sees! Ok, if you're not laughing by now then you really are in a sad state - give us a call ;-) For the many of you who see the funny side of this exercise, let me assure you there is hope! You can change all your pities into parties, with a few simple tools. Now for the serious stuff. From our extensive research with coaches, trainers and consultants like you we've identified that most of you will be finding challenges in the following areas: * How to fill the pipeline with highly qualified and relevant sales leads * How you move the professional relationship from FREE to FEE * What are 'they' really buying and how much are you really worth * What next? Creating financial independence, growing without the need to get bigger, staying a chapter ahead. So, how did you do? Are you like most other professional, expert service providers? Let us know your pities, we want to hear your feedback. If you find you are similar to other people, then what's the pity? You're all at the same party, enjoy! Here are some f'ree tools you can use straight away to get the party in swing: 1. Clear out your marketing clutter with a detox - Lean Marketing Detox 2. Get your business card in shape with our Card Shark Ebook - Card Shark 3. Download the Pipeline and use it - send a blank email to leanpipeline@aweber.com with "Send Me The Pipeline - I'm Pitiful!" in the subject line! 4. If you're reading this and working for someone else, then maybe it's a pity you're not going it alone yet - get the "Prisoner of Work Escape Manual" 5. If it's a pity that you've never got enough time to write really good articles for your own eZine then you can use any of the growing number of articles provided on the Lean Marketing Press website And, in the words of Bono, if you still haven't found what you're looking for, try the 450 page, full on marketing Toolbox at www.leanmarketing.co.uk/toolbooks (it's guaranteed for 5 years - longer than most people stay in business for!) Speak Soon, 'Dangerous' Debbie Jenkins (c) Copyright 2005 www.BookShaker.com SUMMER CAN BE SLOW FOR BUSINESS I'm wondering if... You Know Other People who should be reading this too? So do us all a favour (they get 2 free books - we get a new subscriber - you get to look good) when you Pass On This link... http://www.leanmarketing.co.uk
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