Gentle Home Remedies For Acne Scars

By M Rochell

Which home remedies for acne scars actually work? And which acne home remedies are safe for sensitive skin? Here are some of the natural acne scar healing tips we have learned that are the gentlest and safest for sensitive skin.

Having acne is a terrible experience, and even worse are the scars that are left on your face long after the acne has healed. It can take many months for acne scars to disappear, and there are some things you can do to speed up the healing process.

Many people with sensitive skin cannot use traditional acne scar treatments such as dermabrasion or collagen injections, which are invasive and can cause irritation, rashes and other side effects.

Homemade acne treatments can be very effective, however for best results we recommend that you create a comprehensive, whole body acne treatment program which will help you clear out the root causes of your acne so that you can prevent your skin from developing more acne scars.

If you have very severe acne, you may want to consult a qualified natural health practitioner that can assist you with creating the dietary and lifestyle changes that will clear your skin and help your body heal the acne scars. They can also guide you to find acne scar treatments that are effective even for people with sensitive skin.

Tips for Using Acne Home Remedies

1. Skin test FIRST - Even the gentlest acne home remedy might not work for YOUR sensitive skin, so please be sure to do a skin test FIRST on the back of your arm or the inside of your ear, to see if these home remedies for acne scars will work for your skin.

2. Be consistent - choose a treatment, first doing a skin test as I have suggested, and if your sensitive skin does not react to the treatment, then use it faithfully for at least a week or two. See how your face looks and feels before making a final decision.

3. Find a good daily routine for your skin - Using gentle, fragrance free and hypoallergenic products will help you to cleanse, tone and moisturize your skin without triggering more acne outbreaks.

4. Treat your WHOLE body - home remedies for acne scars are not just something you dab on your pimples. You need to maximize your body's miraculous innate healing and rejuvenating capabilities by modifying your diet and lifestyle. I know, that's not so easy especially in today's busy world! In order to clear your skin, you need to drink enough pure water, exercise, eat fresh, whole foods, and eliminate foods and drinks that trigger acne outbreaks.

Simplest Acne Scar Home Remedies

Many acne home remedies also work for helping acne scars to heal. Here are a few of the most popular ones, which you can find in your kitchen or at the health food store!

Ice cubes calm the inflammation, reduce the size of pimples and reduce scarring. After icing, let your face air dry.

Baking soda and water, used as a facial mask can both clear acne outbreaks and reduce scarring.

Lemon or lime juice acts as a skin lightener and will lighten the scars. You can also use this to treat acne outbreaks.

Ground organic orange peel and water can reduce acne outbreaks and help the skin heal.

Tomato and cucumber slices, applied to your face regularly will help clear up acne and reduce scarring.

Olive oil can reduce the visibility of your acne scars and help to soften them.

Green tea contains many potent antioxidants which help the skin to heal and rejuvenate.

Lavender essential oil can help acne outbreaks to heal and also will help the scars to disappear.

Vitamin E helps the skin to heal from scarring. You can apply a little to your acne scars, and also take internally.

Vitamin C also helps the skin to rejuvenate and to produce more collagen. Some facial products with Vitamin C can cause burning, so choose a good hypoallergenic product line that works for sensitive skin.

A Comprehensive Home Facial Treatment for Acne Scar Healing

If you want to do a more comprehensive treatment program for your acne with natural ingredients, this simple and very affordable program will clean your skin, open your pores, moisturize and tone your skin and reduce irritation and acne inflammations.

* Steam your face over a pan of hot water for one to three minutes with a towel over your head. For best results, do this morning and night.
* Apply a paste of baking soda mixed with a little water to your face. Leave on for one to three minutes.
* Rinse with cool water.
* Gently pat your skin dry, then wait a few minutes until your face is completely dry.
* Apply a small amount of aloe vera gel, mixed with tea tree oil. If the tea tree oil is too intense for your sensitive skin, try lavender oil. If that doesn't work, simply use the aloe gel by itself.

These home remedies for acne scars are just the beginning. To completely clear up your skin, consider eating a more natural diet and drinking an abundance of pure, clean water. Recent research suggests that this can reduce your acne by 50% or more! Foods that have been known to cause acne outbreaks include processed foods, sugar, caffeine, and dairy products. It IS possible to completely clear up your acne and to heal your acne scars naturally!

For more home remedies for acne scars, including a completely natural home acne treatment for improving acne and acne scars overnight, please visit the Acne Sensitive Skin department at

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