Pictures In Your Envelopes

Even before your prospective clients lay eyes on your marketing materials, your envelopes are the very first things that they would get a glimpse of. Just like your business cards, your envelope printing pieces provide your target clients with the first impression; and if it's not that well designed, well, probably its last impression as well.

Designing your envelopes is like designing your brochures, your posters, or your postcards. You need to have something extra to make your envelope printing design and layout work. Among the many envelopes scattered all over the place, you must be able to have one that would boldly stand out from the crowd.

There's one way that you can definitely stand out. In addition to applying color to your envelope printing project, why not make use of pictures and images to brighten up your envelope items? If you can do it in your other promotional materials, why not on your envelopes?

Designing an effective envelope accomplishes two things: one, it gets your reader's attention; and two, you are guaranteed that your envelope printing item gets opened. Whether it's a photo, a cartoon, or a clipart image, you are almost guaranteed that your marketing material gets the chance to convey your message.

You can either use your pictures and images to create a mood for an effective response. You can also use your graphics to provide a casual approach, or even a serious one; or your can use your envelope printing image as a teaser to what's inside. All of these can eventually help you get your desired response from your prospective clients.

Adding a clipart or photo to your envelope printing image is also easy. Especially when you have suggestions to work on.

Placement of your graphic art and image. The most suitable area to place your clipart is on the right sides, the lower left, and under the delivery address in your envelope.

Keep your clipart and photos away from your address, stamp and validation areas. This is to avoid getting them smudged or covered especially when your envelopes are stamped during mailing.

Create a theme for your envelope printing project. As always, you can develop a theme for your envelope printing pieces to coincide with the change of the season, or your marketing events planned for the whole year, or even to commemorate an event or a special occasion.

Combine cliparts and picture images with other text boxes, auto shapes to create something new. Don't be stuck with what is available. Learn to think out of the box. You can always create your custom clipart and images that appropriately reflects your company's personality by combining your elements.

Reinventing an otherwise dull envelope can do you a world of good for your marketing campaign. Make use of your photos and images. They might be the perk you need to boost your sales.

For more information, you can visit this page on Envelope Printing

More Resources

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