Direct Mail Postcards That Work

It's easy to generate new leads with your postcard printing project. But it is easier to maintain your current database more than anything else. It is a fact that it takes less money to keep your current customers happy than it does getting new ones for your business.

Although your postcard printing project can help you in that aspect of your marketing campaign, it also is a powerful tool to aid you in getting your current client base happy and well informed with developments in your business.

Using direct mail postcard printing pieces to keep your relationship with your current database, three rules should be observed when you promote your business:

1 - Know everything there is to know about your clients.

Although this rule is considered moot and academic, you'll be surprised how a simple guideline such as collecting all the information you can get from your clients can make a world of difference. Remember that the more information you have in your postcard printing project, the better you'll be able to understand the needs and wants of your clients - the better to serve them.

To retain their interest and loyalty, you have to make sure that your products and services are always in line with their needs and wants. That is the reason they got you in the first place. So get in touch regularly if only to remind them of their next service or to inform them of a special discount for loyal customers. This would mean a great deal to them; to make them feel special and cared for.

2 - Treat your current clients different from prospects.

Don't treat your current database like prospective clients. People who have placed an order with you before would expect that they get a much different offer next time. Giving them the same discount when they first came to your business would mean only one thing: you're not paying attention - enough to create a postcard printing project that is customized to make them feel appreciated.

The rule of thumb here is that when you feel your current customers don't meet the requirements for your offer, then don't send them your postcard printing project. Don't make them feel unappreciated. You wouldn't want to lose loyal clients, would you?

3 - Always create fresh and updated postcard printing designs.

It's a totally different matter when you start mailing your postcard printing pieces to clients that are already in your database and know most, if not all, there is to know about your business. This time around, you need to create a postcard printing project that would remind them of your business, and what you can still offer them.

Hence, you need to mix things up a bit. In addition to creating an attention-getting postcard printing project, you should also consider one that has lots of information in it; something that your current clients would be interested to know more about. It can be a new product or service, or a new promo that you only offer to loyal customers.

Unlike your target readers to whom you can send the same postcard printing project over and over again to promote awareness and recognition, your current list of loyal clients would be looking for updates and new product offers from your postcard printing piece. If you send them the same postcard printing piece that you posted to your prospective clients, then your customers may lose interest in your company totally.

Moreover, it would be a waste of time and money to send the same postcard printing piece because it won't get the attention it deserves. Better to use the money spent on updating your postcard printing project for your current clients.

The bottom line is this - your current clients are different from your prospects; that they deserve and expect more if you want to keep their loyalty. Allow them to get to know you more. A simple postcard printing project that sends out enough information to make them aware of you and all that you can do for them is a powerful tool to have in your marketing campaign arsenal.

For more information, you can visit this page on Postcard Printing

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