Submitting Your Website Is A Must!

Copyright © Bill Vannot - All Rights Reserved



Do you realize how many websites and directories exist on the internet? They're just sitting there waiting for you to submit your website.

This type of submission method does take quite a bit of time to implement, but when done properly, it can bring you large amounts of traffic.

Make Time to Submit!

The point being made here is that you should always make the time to submit your website, wherever you think that you can qualify to get it listed. As you can guess, there are probably thousands of websites and different types of directories on the internet. Think about this low cost and mostly free promotional system, especially if you operating on a low budget.

A business acquaintance gave me some hints a while back so I'll pass them onto you. You can locate these places to register your website by searching on Google for terms like:

** "add url" "your keywords"

** "add site" "your keywords"

** "add link" "your keywords"

** "submit url" "your keywords"

** "submit site" "your keywords"

** "submit link" "your keywords"

Be sure to go through all the pages that Google lists so you can add your website url wherever you do qualify.

After you complete the Google listings, visit the following places to submit your website details:

1. Website Directories - locate them by doing a search for "directory" "your keywords" on Google.

2. Article Directories - find these directories by searching for "article directory" on Google and then submit your articles to as many of these article directories as possible.

This is an excellent viral promotion method, if you include a resource box, giving ezine publishers and interested readers, the right to use and pass around your articles.

Usually, there is no cost associated with promoting articles. Somebody is always looking for good content. One important thing to always remember is this: never make your resource box look, smell or taste like an ad. If you really don't know how to write an appropriate resource box, it's best if you hire a professional copywriter to do the job for you.

Why is this viral marketing system so important? Well, it can save you a bundle in advertising costs and it can help brand your business identity, at no cost. Articles can travel the net for years, reaching people that you'd probably never be able to reach.

Promote yourself the smart way. Never discount submitting articles, in as many places as possible. If you really feel that your writing skills are lacking, hire a ghost-writer to write a few articles for you. The money you can save on advertising, will more than cover the cost of a few ghost-written articles.

3. Ezine Directories - You can submit information about your Opt-In List to these directories.

4. Mailing List Directories - Submit details about your Opt-In List to these directories.

5. Freebie Directories - if you do happen to offer free things on your website, such as a free email course or a free report, then you can also submit to these sites.

If you make time to submit your website and written materials all over the net, you'll be creating the opportunity to have a lot of links pointing to your website. Yes, this will take a substantial amount of time on your part, but it can save you money if you have a low budget to promote your business.

It's true that some websites will request or even require a return reciprocal link to them. Save time and find a reciprocal link tool that suits your taste and budget. Use it to manage your link exchanges.

Quality linking from all over the net can bring some daily traffic to your website. We all know that sales usually have to be created from people viewing your offers so hopefully, as you increase the number of visitors who will see your offers, you'll be able to convert a decent amount of this website traffic into new subscribers and possible customers!


This article may be reprinted freely as long as the reference box remains intact.

Bill Vannot specializes in branding Businesses with articles, even if you can't write! Find out what a Ghost Writer can do to help you brand your e-business identity!

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