Calendar Printing and Design Help: 7 Ways They Can Truly Assist You

When it comes to your calendar printing projects or for any other print projects that you may handle, sometimes it is always truly helpful and wise to get the assistance you need. If you don't know anyone who can professional help you with your design and hiring a graphic designer is out of the option, you can always turn to your printing company for some help.

The help offered by printing companies can be varied and the extent of such help can be limited. But in others, the variety and kind of technical assistance can provide you can be truly a lifesaver. Knowing who or what to look for in a printing company can help you solve your dilemmas not only in printing, but also in design and other aspects.

Design Help

There are printing companies who can give you design assistance; some offer it for free while others require professional fees. If you want to come up with a good design without shelling out some cash, then experiment the online features available for design help.

1. There are templates provided by printing companies on how your files should come to them. There are templates for calendars and brochures and greeting cards and the like.

You just don't send your design page by page if you were submitting a multi-page document. There are different layouts on how you should submit your files. As an example, a greeting card document that is to be submitted must be laid out accordingly: the whole sheet of 7 x 5 postcards should contain the design of the front cover and back cover. Hence, when it is folded, automatically, both front and back are printed in full color.

2. Know just what the layouts are for your particular product, especially when you are dealing with a multi-page document that can become quite confusing of complicated. Folded prints too may need consultation with a designer or a pre-press expert who reviews such files and designs.

3. Another kind of template available online are the design templates. Design templates may be downloadable but in other printing companies, you can only access them through the online design tool where you can customize a chosen theme or design according to your own specifications.

4. Different printing companies have different design tools. Consequently, the features of this design tool also differ. Ask what are the possibilities you can do for your prints when it comes to the design tool.

5. Ask commands are present in the design tool, Ask if you can rescale certain images. Ask if you upload images. Ask where do these images appear on the template? On top of the text or behind them? What are the possibility that you can use your own background and cover the entire template?

6. Do not be afraid to ask questions. There are printing companies that offer Live Chat options where you can freely ask a professional designer about your situation or specific solutions that you need for your design.

7. Do not be overly eager about what you can do with the design tool. While some of its features are limited, with some imagination, you can still whip up a professional looking print. Sometimes, all it takes is a bit of creativity and help from the experts.

Visit a calendar printing company now who can make your calendar printing and design both easy. Nothing can be more convenient than having a professional help ready at hand, when you need them the most for your print jobs.

More topics on Calendar Printing can be found at Full Color Printing Services - U Printing

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