Writing Sales Letters That Slay 'Em

We all think about slaughtering our competition in one way or another - but the real key to exterminating your competition is writing a great sales letter that contains killer copy.

A sales letter must grab the attention of your prospect right out of the gate with an opening statement that sucks them into reading your entire letter.

(example: Calendars Boost Sales Throughout The Entire Year)

Once you have their attention with a passionate headline or a commanding statement, you need to drop your guarantee in their laps. Then add some case studies or testimonials that give your promise credibility.

(example: No other promotional product gives you the year round exposure that a Calendar does. Having your message viewed day in and day out stretches your advertising dollars when you market using Calendars).

Your testimonials need to be straightforward and to the point - you want testimonials from clients that have used your product and service with quotes of how they benefited from it and don't know how they functioned in the past without it. No bull, No Fluff - don't change or inflate figures or results - your credibility is on the line. You want to build a trust and gain referrals from the new customers your killer copy pulls in.

(example: "We've been using direct mail for years without much return on our investment. Last year Bizarre Promotions suggested using a small desktop Calendar in our next mailing. We found a 12% increase in sales within the first three weeks of mailing out the Calendars - with an overall 18% increase in sales the entire first quarter. We are already planning an even bigger direct mail Calendar campaign for this year." Joe Somebody, Joe's Accounting Services).

In closing you must tell your prospect what to do next - you have their attention with a headline that is second to none, followed up with a promise about how your service or product is a service or product they can't do without.

Telling the prospect to take action as well as setting a time limit giving them a sense of urgency. Letting them know if they wait to long they may miss out, should be a key point within your sales letter.

(example: The Calendar rush is just around the corner - putting off ordering your 2006 Calendars may result in your favorite theme being "out of stock". Order early and save - take 20% off all our Calendars - but you must order now - this offer expires...).

Looking at the ingredients of a killer sales letter you must focus on the following:

1. A Statement - that gets the prospects attention.

2. Benefits - the prospect receives by using your product or services. Don't confuse the features of your product or service with the benefits - remember to tell How Your Prospect Benefits!

3. Testimonials - reassuring your readers that others have used your product or service and benefited from it.

4. Take Action - now or they may miss out.

Remember prospects are being hammered everyday with sales pitches from every angle - keep yours from being a shredder causality with Sales Copy That Slays 'em.

Tim Somers
Bizarre Promotions Inc.

Tim Somers, Bizarre Promotions Inc. has been providing marketing solutions through promotional products to businesses for over 16 years. With over 750,000 promotional products, http://www.promostuff4u.com and custom embroidered wearables, http://www.businessduds.com for every budget.

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