Vonage Commercials; Case Study

By Lance Winslow

Perhaps you have seen the Vonage commercials on TV, as they are very entertaining and fun to watch. They are similar to Americas Funniest Home Videos. The tagline is always the same; Stupid Things People Do.

And of course they are making a correlation to the price people pay on their phone bill instead of switching to Vonage, which is only $39.95 per month. The Vonage commercials make an excellent case study and have won many advertising awards in the advertising industry.

There has been mention of this in Advertising Age Magazine. Much has been written about the Vonage commercials and they are quite effective. However, Vonage is also using repetition to help with their excellent commercials.

The first few times you see a Vonage commercial it actually detracts from the brand name because you are interested in the funny video. But after you see the Vonage commercials a couple times you start singing that silly tune; Who who, Who Who Who.

In fact I have been in Starbucks sipping my coffee and listening to people hum that tune. And it must be working. The Vonage commercial is an excellent case study in how to use repetition in advertising along with a specific theme and a specific theme song.

For those who study advertising they realize how great these commercials are working. For the rest of society they simply enjoy the commercials and perhaps they might switch to Vonage?

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