Advertising Brochure Designs

By Lance Winslow

So often, new business people will print custom designed threefold advertising brochures to give to new customers. I have seen new business owners spend two or $3000 doing this and defend only using half of them because they had changed their business or their prices.

It seems like an incredible waste of money and it may be smart to not print custom designed free folds glossy advertising brochures when you first start your business.

Having been in the franchising business for nearly 2 decades and launched our franchisees in hundreds of cities it became quickly apparent to me that even with our business model a basic virtual cookie-cutter there were regional variations in the things we had to change once we got started that made the brochures and valid.

And this is coming from a franchisor who specializes in everything been the same to protect the consistency and quality of our services that represent our brand name. If a franchisor warns against advertising brochures right out of the gate of a new business, the you can be sure they know what they're talking about after setting up hundreds of units.

Regional variation is something that is very important and the best industry Association cannot tell you exactly what your response will be in your given community even based on the exact demographics and similar cities and other regions. You see, all politics is local and all small-business marketing campaigns must be personalized.

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