Million Dollar Text Link Sites: A Word Is Worth A Thousand Pictures

By Terry Till

Million dollar text link sites are getting ready to explode all over the internet in the next few months and it really doesn’t take much imagination to realise that this could be the start of something big following in the footsteps of the milliondollarpixel sites that were the recent rage. Can you remember just about 10 months ago when a young student from the United Kingdom, named Alex Tew started the first million dollar pixel site. The idea was basically very simple yet had a devastating affect on his income and turned this young man from a basic website owner to a millionaire over the course of a few months.

His idea was to divide the million pixels that were contained within his website into advertising blocks containing 100 pixels each and then sell the blocks at one dollar per pixel equalling one hundred dollars per block. A pixel being the small pinhead sized spec of light that form together to produce the content that you see on your pc monitor.

With shrewd advertising and marketing Alex quickly got his milliondollarpixel website idea noticed by the local media and this in turn began to bring the attention of the international media and the thousands of Internet users worldwide.

Advertisers soon began to flock to place adverts on the pixel site and a hugh traffic flow was created.

Well from this idea the birth of the million dollar text link sites was created and website owners are already starting to publish text link sites on various niches.

Basically the text link sites are a website containing a number of strategic words and each word can be bought by a prospective advertiser and this word will become a text word link to their website of choice.

Various options can be selected when purchasing the text word, including different font designs, bold or italic text and different color choices. A basic fee is charged for the standard word and additional charges are added for the different font, text and color options.

As with all these new ideas and revolutionary designs it will be the first movers who gain the most and bring home the big profits.

I feel that these milliondollar text link sites will go through many stages of development and it will be very interesting to see what happens over the next few months.

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