How to Use Google Stocks With Google Adsense!

By Didier Ntwali

Google currently has the most talked about stocks in the whole market. Everyone is puzzled of how it manages to have so many supporters worlwide. Actually it's quite easy to understand why google stocks seem to be doing quite well. First it's reliability has it's trustees knowing that this long term investment will pay off, it's a widely know fact that Google Stocks have virtually no chance of ever havingno value. The company is a rock solid investment. Even though it may falter at times that doesn't last for long.

Now then let's discuss how you too can jump on this money train. First of course you need to know the basics of stock; how the dividends, common stocks, and preferred stocks work.

Here is an introduction to stocks: First know that holdiong a stock gives you a piece of the said company. You have the right to vote on members of the board of directors and other important matters before the company. Also if the company distributes profits you are entitled to a piece. The good thing about this is that if and when the company which you hold stock in happens to lose all it's money or is to pay more money than it has; you the holder of the stocks are not liable in any way. But that's a different story when it comes to private stocks.

First you have to know that there are two types of stocks: Common Stock and Preferred Stocks. Common Stocks are the ones held by the public and gives you rights to dividends and voting too.

Preferred Stocks has less rights than Common Stocks but there is one major difference that's the dividends. Companies with Preferred stocks tend to give out regular dividends like a monthly payout. Also it has first dibs on the dividends over the COmmon Stocks.

That's about it for basics for more info consult Wikipedia Stock Info.

Now then on to the main topics Google Stocks are commonly referred to as GOOG this means that if you want to find it's current stocks info you call it GOOG instead of google. Many websites out have currently updated prices and quotes (predictions on where the stock is heading) but Google itself has it's own reguraly updated webpage located here:

If you'd like to purchase GOOG Stocks go ahead and head on to my favorite online stock trading market the famous New York Stock Exchange located here. Though I recommend you get a stock broker to do most of your stock investments. They are professinals trained on this kind of thing and also happen to have investment advice upon which companies may bring most profit. But if you are interested in Google Stocks only, what can I tell you? Go jump into the money train.

You may be wondering why I decided to post this on a Google Adsense blog, my reason is the fact that Google Adsense has continually helped rise Google's stocks sales. The fact that Google Adsense itself might be a good investment in the long run, I thought webmasters would want to know other ways to earn money form the Google Adsense and Google Stocks connection. As you keep yourself updated with current info on any Google Adsense developments you should know which ones are either going to drag Google down or pull it ahead. Therefore giving you an advantage in knowing which way Google Stocks is headed.

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