Is Your Advertising... Sexy?

Ever hear the term 'sexy' advertising? It's not necessarily what you think. Sure, some people's idea of sexy advertising is hot babes in bikinis spraying beer all over each other, but that's overtly sexual and not what we're about to discuss here.

Do you engage sexy advertising in your marketing campaign? If not, you should.

"Sexy" advertising refers to ads that are highly targeted, yet artfully subtle - and therefore, extremely attractive to the key consumer.

I'm going to try and curb my use of the word 'sexy' now because I think it's quite blatant, and therefore not sexy at all. So from now on we'll try and call them ads that are "attractive."

What makes an ad (or a person) attractive? People perceive the world through their senses- sight, sound, smell, taste, touch. So if you can appeal to them in any of these five ways, then you may very well become attractive to them.

Let's talk about the word sensual. Not sexual, but sensual. What's that mean?

Are you a sensual person? Maybe you savor the feeling of cool water against your bare skin on a hot summer's day. Perhaps you're easily carried away on a wild reverie by something as simple as the smell of fresh cut grass. More people are sensual than not sensual, and this greatly affects their buying habits. Appeal to their senses in just the right way, and you've got paying customers!

Did you know: too much stimulation actually dulls the senses. If your brain is bombarded with a high concentration of sensation all at once, it just tunes out! Sounds crazy but it's true. Ever see someone who went overboard with the Botox? Whoa, keep those crazy lips away from me! It's like this: if your eyes are big, and your nose is sort of big too, then your lips should be small. Too much Bigness = NOT a good thing.

Too much Bigness in your advertising is not a good thing either. Again, it's about sensory overload. If your website is flashing, waving, winking, blinking, making loud crashing noises and also has a very long diatribe on it that puts the fear of God into your reader... well, who do you expect would sit there and take that? NOBODY! A sensual person knows to take it slow and easy, one sensation at a time. So does a smart marketer.

In advertising and in life, you are the master of how people perceive you. Solid branding is simple, direct, and consistent - and appeals to the customer by way of their senses. That's attractive advertising. That's the kind of advertising that will bring in SALES.

Let's ponder this attraction thing a bit more.

Attraction is not only about a visual, auditory and tactile presentation, but it's also about pure energy. The key is to be subtle. Energy that's too strong sends people running the other way!

Direct your energy. Be in the right place at the right time. You can't be attractive if you're not even there! So join the entrepreneur and special interest clubs, participate, speak out, pay a few dollars for those memberships. Visibility is the first step in becoming attractive. Get yourself noticed!

Use subtle messages. Suppose you're a fellow who's trying to get a little from your lady. How to approach the situation? Well, you could grab her by the hair. But here's a better idea: be subtly suggestive. Hold her gaze for a little longer than usual. If you're walking together, brush against her ever so lightly. Maybe later you might gently press your hand into the small of her back, and in this way, quietly plant some thoughts in her head. It's this slow, steady directing of energy that says, "Let's get it on, baby" - without actually SAYING those words! You need to be equally subtle in your advertising. You don't want your customer to know what you're doing. You just want them to be very, very aware of you.

Attract your customers with advertising that intrigues, teases, and piques their curiousity. Imagine your reader, meandering along, exploring your website with its taseful, understated message and thought-provoking design. They're not really thinking much about it on a conscious, active level. But underneath, it's sinking in and getting to them, slowly but surely. THIS is sexy advertising, doing its thing!

Suppose you sell flowers and plants - both of which are quite lovely and don't need much hype to attract attention. In your advertising, use quality images that really zoom in on the details... a single dewdrop on a velvety petal, some delicate ivy creeping along a handsome stone wall. Sell your product with understated elegance, tasteful design, short copy and text that's easy on the eyes. That's how to attract a customer!

The most important and yet most often overlooked fact about attractive advertising is this: You must emotionally connect with your audience.

Let's talk about that hypothetical skilled lover guy I mentioned earlier. "Prince Charming," we'll call him. Why's he so charming? He is able to gauge his lovers' emotions, know their fears and weaknesses, and then say just the right thing that will make them feel safe, protected and appreciated. In doing this, he charms, or mesmerizes the object of his desire. In doing this, he mentally connects with them- and that's the biggest attractor of all.

Everybody's talking about hypnotic copy. It's the kind of writing that, like Prince Charming, puts a spell on your customer, attracts and endears them to you, and most of all, makes them trust you.

A huge part of branding is trust. When your customers feels connected to your brand, they'll come back again and again. They'll tell all of their friends about you. They'll invest their money in your product beause they really believe in you!

Want a perfect example of attractive advertising and expert branding? Disney. You love and believe in Disney, right? How did that happen? Disney slowly and steadily positioned themselves as an icon of childhood dreams, a safe haven for the imagination and a company that's as devoted to your family as you are. Disney cares... right? Of course they do. They said so, in their advertising! They make those movies with tender baby animals, and mommies and magic and true love, and it's so emotional and the animation is so perfect, that you can see the love dripping right down the movie screen and you can feel it beating right along with your heart.

Talk to your customers they way that Disney talks to theirs. Show them love, every day. Do it in your written materials, and also in your daily interactions with them. They should feel like they're being heard, catered to, appreciated and understood. This is the stuff that big, big dreams are made of, and it is damned sexy advertising.

Okay, let's review. We want our ads to be sexy. We want to attract and mesmerize our key customers. How do we do this?

1. Stimulate their senses (but don't overload them)
2. Direct and focus your energy
3. Keep it subtle
4. Establish an emotional connection

Now you have everything you need go out there and captivate your audience of buyers. They're ready for love, so give it to them. Charm them and disarm them, with attractive advertising that sells your product and keeps them coming back for more. Go on, I know you can do it! You sexy thang.

Copyright 2005 Dina Giolitto. All rights reserved.

Find out how crisp, targeted copywriting can make a world of difference for your business. Dina Giolitto is a Copywriting Consultant with ten years of experience. Visit for free tips on branding, copywriting, marketing, and more.

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