Attract More Business with Magnet Postcards

Author: Bob Waters

Every business wants a way to get their name in front of customers, and even more importantly, keep their name in front of customers. One way to accomplish this is by using a Magnet Postcard. Most direct mailings are lucky to have a few seconds in front of the consumer, but a Magnet Postcard can stay in view for days, weeks, months and even longer — if you make the Magnet Postcard indispensible.

Of course you will want to have all the components of a good ad on your card, but you will want to be careful to create an offer that is good for a long time. If you are going to put a time limit on the offer, remember to make it long enough to make the investment of the Magnet Card worth the cost. A Magnet Postcard can be up to 3 times more expensive than a regular Postcard, but it may last exponentially longer.

There are 3 ways that I like to use in making a Magnet Postcard have value for the consumer:

Sports — If you live in a college town then you are set for sports. Choose the most popular sport (most likely football or basketball) and have the game dates on the card. Be careful not to have game times printed on the card as well since these are subject to change. If you don't have a nearby college or professional team you might want to try mailing a Magnet Postcard with high school sports information on it.

Important Phone Numbers — You can print the phone numbers for Poison Control, Police and Fire non-emergency numbers, Local Library and Local Government numbers.

Calendar — Print a 12 month calendar on the card. Your calendar will have to be small enough to fit on the card so important dates won't fit on the calendar itself. The solution is to print important dates below the calendar. Be sure to have important sale dates listed with the holidays — make your sales dates stand out!

Make sure that your Magnet postcard information is correct, if one thing is wrong on the card then there is a good chance that it will be thrown out. Call all the numbers you put on the card, double check your calendar - I have seen a number of calendars that had incorrect dates. People checked the spelling and the content, but forgot about leap year. For sporting events, you are at the mercy of schools if they change a schedule, but that is understood a lot more than if you have the wrong phone number for the Police Department. Check and doublecheck!

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About the Author

Bob has been in Printing and Mailing since 1995. He is the President of and works with businesses to improve their ROI in the Printing and Direct Mail fields.

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