Opportunity Seeker Mailing Lists: Should You Use Them?

Author: Jim Wallert

The term "opportunity seekers" has become a buzz-word among direct mailing. multi-level marketers and entrepreneurs, but is using this list strategy steering them down the wrong path?

List brokers define the term "opportunity seekers list" as lists of contacts who have supposedly, somehow, shown an interest in receiving information on business opportunities and/or investments. These lists are usually sold in bulk and are cheap.

The list usually only has the name and address of the opportunity seeker and may be ordered for a specified geographical area. These lists are priced very low with a minimum purchase amount. They can be supplied to the list purchaser/renter via the internet in a spreadsheet format or printed on peel and stick labels and shipped to the user.

The problem. When a person sends out their business information andoffers to a list of opportunity seekers, there is no way to determine if thesecontacts are interested in the particular offer being sent out. It is a shot in the dark and most often a waste of the money spent in designing, printing and mailing the offer. The price of a mailing list is the least expensive part of a direct mailing campaign, but is the most important in determining success or failure. You need to make sure that your offer gets into the hands of prospects that are in need of and can afford your product or service

For just a few pennies more per lead you can order a marketing list targeted exactly to your best prospects. Profile your best prospective customers based on;household information; renters/homeowners, new movers, ages, income, presence of children or pets, interests, net worth and almost any other important criteria you can think of.

Instead of using someone else's list of "opportunity seekers" for your businessoffer, custom design your own list and make your own opportunities. Ask your list provider to help you compile a marketing list targeted exactly to businesses or consumers ready and able to take advantage of your offer. Good Selling! Jim

About the Author

Jim Wallert owner of J-Wall Marketing has over 30 years successful experience in sales and marketing. Jim has helped all sizes and types of businesses increase their business through direct marketing and advertising specializing in targeted mailing lists. jim@jwallmarketing.com / http://www.jwallmarketing.com

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