Part 2 - DSANs - Defining an Emerging Advertising Medium

Author: Judy L. Hoffman

Digital signs attract far more attention than traditional signage. This success is partly due to the fact that digital signage displays offer a wide range of animation, video, and bright colors. Advertising content is easily and quickly updated and can be scheduled to meet specific shopper presence, promotional timelines, and more.

A Digital Signage Advertising Network (DSAN) is a series of video displays that are networked together throughout one or several buildings, complexes or campuses. The displays are remotely controlled from a central location. Ad creation, scheduling and uploading are typically operated from this control center located on or off site.

The screens can be morphed into the surrounding environment to preserve brand integrity of the building and to keep from disturbing consistency in a facility's décor. Unlike a printed poster, freshness is easily maintained with ads that meet very specific demographic criteria.

Typically, DSAN ad distribution reports are maintained and used to compare sales uplift during times when ads ran within particular locations. Then less effective screens can be moved or ads re-created to initiate greater sales lift, and promotional ad results can be specifically evaluated.

Advertisers can purchase numerous ad spots and display various ad messages that would continually be seen throughout a day's time. Ads can easily be changed and instantly updated offering advertisers the flexibility to meet their audience needs and interests.

Digital signage ads can be hybrid or dynamic. A hybrid ad contains both static and dynamic content. For instance, a static image could have rolling or scrolling text or some sort of animated 'bug' or logo. Each ad would fade out with a new ad fading in offering the same - a static image and moving text, or a small animation. These types of ads are effective, but have proven less so in digital signage studies.

Dynamic ads are continuously active and use full motion video, stylized text, animation, and 3-D effects. Dynamic ads are highly effective and retain consumer engagement.

The options are limitless. For instance:

• Sound effects and/or music at selected areas
• Interactivity with mobile phone connectivity
• Touch screen technology

Over time, DSAN owners have realized that a highly effective digital signage network is a complex endeavor, but a necessary one to achieve optimum results for advertisers. Purchasing advertising on such networks can be quite profitable, with unprecedented growth seen despite the economic downturn of 2008.

There is a growing consensus that optimal reach can only be seen when digital signage network advertising spots are included as part of an overall advertising mix. Media planners and ad agencies would do well to consider such networks as part of a brand's marketing plan.

Mistakenly, digital signage ads are compared to traditional media venues such as TV ads, billboards, and static signs. These erroneous views create obstacles for advertisers, advertising agencies and marketers.

Digital signage is nothing like billboards and static signs. These passive media types get stale over time, loosing effectiveness and are thereby overlooked or simply ignored by viewers. To refresh such media types on a monthly, weekly or daily basis is out of the question. The cost and manpower to do so would be astronomical.

Digital signage, on the other hand, is interactive, entertaining, highly targeted, and always fresh. Digital signage screens or 'signs' typically display colorful animations, movement with video and constantly changing messages that attract viewers and hold their attention and can play a integral role in developing customer relationships and providing memorable experiences within the shopping environment.

The next article in this series will look into the exciting results of successful digital signage advertising.

About the Author

Judy L. Hoffman has freelanced marketing and public relations services for over 20 years serving a wide range of industries worldwide and, while working as PR Specialist at Noventri (, has nurtured a keen interest in the digital world and the effects of digital signage in the field of marketing and public relations. Hoffman is a freelance writer and has been published in numerous trade journals, newspapers, and online publications. Hoffman holds a Bachelors in Marketing Management.

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