Part 5 - It's All About Content and Location

Author: Judy L. Hoffman

It is agreed that digital signage advertising networks or DSANs are a viable advertising medium. But only if the content displayed is doing its job. Besides artistic guidelines, media planners must also understand the differences in digital signage ads.

For instance, many media planners expect digital signage ads to be 30-second spots like television. You may need to spend some time explaining that digital signage ads must be half that length or less to be effective. Viewers in retail environments seldom spend that long watching an ad. The message must be conveyed in the 10 to 15 seconds that the buyer is passing by the screen.

Studies show that connectivity with viewers happens within the first seven seconds after noticing a digital screen. So digital signage ad content must engage the customer and relay its message within the allotted 10 to 15 seconds. Otherwise, the viewer has moved on and will miss the impact of the message.

Consider, too, TV advertising is targeted to a random audience with varying psychological profiles. Whereas, digital signage advertising is very highly targeted and directly reaches individuals that are there to buy and welcome product information.

What about the content? Ads should be relevant to the customer and the purchases they are making at the time. Is the ad short, concise, entertaining, and informative?

Media planners, content providers, and owners of digital signage advertising networks should have a thorough understanding of the needs of on-site customers or the demographic of shoppers at that location. Consideration of the place, time, promotion and audience is essential when developing advertising content.

Besides content, screen placement and deployment is vital. Are the screens delivering targeted messages where and when they will be seen? Are the screens being used to cross-market or up-sell where possible? This should be monitored and evaluated meticulously.

Interactive experiences are much more memorable than non-interactive ones. Digital ads benefit greatly by exploring ways to offer mobile marketing, SMS messaging, proximity sensors, and touchscreens to extend the experience of customers.

For instance, viewers can be offered a code or take a picture of a code that will allow them to download product specs, options, discounts or hear a sales presentation. By sending messages from phone to screen or vice versa, DSAN owners create an extreme social shopping experience, leading to increased sales.

Consider technology that allows specific messages to be triggered as customers move within a given proximity. With facial recognition technology screens detect viewers as being male or female to trigger gender specific ads. This requires extensive planning and coordination to deploy such a system, but the effects can be phenomenal.

Smell technology can appeal to the interactivity of ads by offering smells that correlate with specific ads. For instance, customers could smell roses when a digital ad for floral specials appears. Who can deny an increase in popcorn sales when digital ads provide the fragrance of freshly popped popcorn to coincide with movie ads?

ABI Research predicts that we will see more sophisticated options in targeting demographics with the use of cameras and the integration of RFID sensor networks with signage, thus achieving more interactivity.

Such exciting technology truly brings ads to life. But how do you sell this to the ad agencies, media buyers, and companies in general? This will be addressed in the next article titled "Measurement Matters".

About the Author

Judy L. Hoffman has freelanced marketing and public relations services for over 20 years serving a wide range of industries worldwide and, while working as PR Specialist at Noventri (, has nurtured a keen interest in the digital world and the effects of digital signage in the field of marketing and public relations. Hoffman is a freelance writer and has been published in numerous trade journals, newspapers, and online publications. Hoffman holds a Bachelors in Marketing Management.

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