Can Aloe Vera Help Me Lose Weight Quickly?

Author: Brenda Broster

This is a question I have been asked many times. In itself, Aloe Vera is not a weight loss agent, but it does help those who are trying to lose weight. Let me explain.

Aloe Vera is, first and foremost, an immuno-modulator. A lot of people, when dieting, promptly get run down and are susceptible to coughs and colds, influenza and all those relatively mild but irritating problems. Of course, they should not and, if they do, it is because the weight loss programme they are following is not doing the job properly. So, as an immuno-modulator, Aloe Vera helps your body resist those nasty bugs which are a direct response to being run down.

What does it mean, it is an "immuno-modulator"? It means Aloe Vera helps the body build itself up (or, for those with a hyper-active immune system) down, to peak performance level, wherein the body itself is able to resist all those nasty bugs.

"Poor nutrition ultimately means poor health in one form or another. Experienced over generations, poor nutrition is expressed genetically as various strengths and weaknesses in the body. So anything positive you can do now will not only store up potential good health fort the future but will also help to restore negative states from the past." - Dr Peter Atherton.

Aloe Vera contains 75 of the 78 nutrients our bodies need in perfect synergy, which is a dramatic help in nutritional balance. So, yes, it helps when you are dieting. Aloe Vera is known as 'The Medicine Plant'. It's composition is extraordinary, consisting of Lignin, Saponins, Anthraquinones, Minerals (all we need except Selenium), Vitamins, Amino Acids, Enzymes, Sugars, Plant Sterols and Salicylic Acid. It is not some diet pill; it will not cause you to lose weight, but it will help your system eradicate waste matter more easily and absorb nutrient more easily..

Aloe Vera is epithelial. That means it sinks in to any skin surface - all the way down to the base. So, if we drink it, as it goes down it lines our gut and stomach, all the way down, sinks in, and cleans it, flushes out the rubbish, so that we can better absorb the nutrient from what we eat. Whether you are trying to lose weight or gain weight, it is essential to absorb as much nutrient as we can from what we eat. Aloe Vera helps. It allows the body to detoxify gently while cleaning your system which, in turn, promotes a healthy gut and regulates your system, thereby boosting your metabolism.

Part of any successful weight loss programme must include exercise. Aloe Vera gives us energy and keeps us hydrated for longer. It is interesting that I noticed, at the Chinese Olympics, athletes swigging Aloe Vera directly from the bottles before and after competing. This is allowed; Aloe Vera is not a drug, it is vegetable matter. Many athletes drink it regularly. Long distance runners put it in their drinking water to help keep them hydrated.

So the answer to the question is that Aloe Vera will not CAUSE weight loss, but it WILL help your body to lose weight more quickly.

About the Author

Brenda Broster hasd been in the health and nutrition business for over 20 years and has a wealth of knowledge at her fingertips. She is an advocate of sensible and healthy lifestyle which incorporates eating habits and exercise, giving best advice to people across an international spectrum. She is always open to questions and will happily provide answers to any questions. She strongly encourages everyone to join the "Fit For Life Club".

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