Netting Women — Meeting the Perfect Girl Online

Lots of men often ask me if meeting women on the street and in public isn't gradually becoming obsolete in today's modern society with the growing popularity of the internet. My answer to that is: Have vehicles become obsolete since the growing popularity of aviation?

The truth is that the internet serves it purpose. Is there really any method to which you can compare which can have you meeting women from as close as the girl next door on your street as far as all four corners of the globe, all with a single click? Probably not.

But just like everything else the internet as a method for meeting women has its advantages and disadvantages. Firstly, there is no comparison to seeing a woman in the flesh who you admire and plotting the course to meeting her and ultimately becoming a part of her life. Of course this too can be done on the internet; but one big difference on the internet, the woman is virtual.

Over the past few months I have taken a look at a few of the sites out there which have crept up to fill this void which introduce men and women to each other and all the ones which I have seen all seem to serve their purpose to some effect. As a matter of fact, I have known people who have met their perfect matches on some of these sites and have even gone on to do the ultimate. But on the other hand I am all to familiar with people who have come away from the internet experience so beaten, broke, frustrated and battered because they have been disappointed, disillusioned and let down, by such things as the photo collectors those e-women who only collect photographs of people they "meet" on the net or those women who supply fake photographs that bear no resemblance to who they actually look like. Then they are those who like Miss Haversham from the old novel "Great Expectations" having been spurned and burned by relationships in the past they set out to trawl the net causing as much pain as possible to every man whom she happens to come across - and the internet is full of these women.

In this age of political correctness and women's liberation these women are more than likely wreaking vengeance on the spineless men of the net as vengeance for the absence of men approaching them off of it.

I have come to verify that experiences on the internet aren't too different for the women either. However, there's one caveat for the fairer sex: the men that these ladies hope to and do attract are so desperate for attention and anything else on offer that they are willing to jump through every hoop which the women put in front of them so that they can have the chance to be with these women - and these hoops are in no short supply!!! These men are willing to pander (virtually and really) to these women's' every need, and numerous net-women have to practically fight these characters off with a stick.

Some examples of this are like telling them such things as the kind of things they should do in the photographs and the style of photo that they should supply in order to obtain "special consideration." Even though the ones that they themselves have on show are often generic. As well as cross-examining these men akin to a prosecutor to an accused - all to eventually declare a mistrial.

For this, special consideration, these men are rewarded by the women in due course neither showing up for meetings, nor returning email and calls and similar things, and maybe some verbal abuse, if they are lucky.

Some of the women seem like the perfect women who you really would want to meet and introduce to mother but then you realise that you have been more or less automatically eliminated as soon you read the profile. Now that's honesty, but what are you then supposed to do run away with your tail between your legs or stick around, call the bluff, face the challenge and try to convince her otherwise? And suppose you do in the most unlikely event convince her, what about the fundamental point that never would have worked in the first place.
Then they are the ones that you never hear from and those are the high-quality ones. I know a single friend of mine whose phone was always ringing off the hook with calls from these women but he meets few of them and has never got past first base as he would wish with any of them. We figured out it was because he was giving these women too much "special consideration" on his web space and profile. After he ceased that desperate practice all this has started to change.

Look, the internet can be and is a fun place to meet women, and it seems like this will remain so for quite some time, however it is helpful not to take the women who you meet on the there too seriously, that is until you get personally to know them. Additionally the odds are and can be - stacked in your favour away from the modem.

One thing that men must remember: is that on the internet it is easy for any man to "approach" any woman and tell her anything. But it takes a special man to actually approach a woman on in person.

A lot of the skills that will be prove very helpful if you really want to get into this thing you can find in the book, "The Lazy Man's Guide to Seduction: How To Meet & Seduce Today's Modern Women". It's an information packed guide about approaching, meeting and seducing women in the modern world and puts you at a definite advantage when it comes to building proper relationships with women. It will save men loads of time in their online as well as offline pursuits with women.

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