Introduction to the Law of Attraction and Unlimited Wealth

This article was written for one purpose:

To explain to you as effectively as possible, exactly what you can do to have everything in your life that you can possibly imagine. And since that is such a tall order, I need to be able to explain how to do that in a way that does not seem "hocus-pocus" or require you to adopt some kind of "new-age" belief system, because I would lose a great many of those I am trying to reach if I went that route.

These principles are something of a "hidden secret" because although the world's wealthiest individuals have gained their wealth through the utilization of these principles, they have not always been consciously aware that they were doing so. In this book we reveal what all wealthy people have in common, and how you can easily model their process for attracting wealth of any level.

The trick here is that to explain how you can literally manifest (an interesting word that scares off more than its fair share of people) anything you can imagine ... and furthermore to prove that it is, in fact your duty to do so - I need to get into some very unusual areas of science that are quite foreign to many people.

You are going to finally learn why other approaches you may have tried in the past have failed to bring you the results you want. And actually, the reason is so simple! However, it is not so "easy" to explain.

I suppose I could be called a "prosperity coach", although I do not really feel comfortable with that term. One of the main reasons being that I have known a lot of "prosperity coaches" who are still struggling to make ends meets. They "know" the principles we will discuss here, but have yet to fully integrate them into their own lives.

When I first discovered these principles in the way that I am going to present them to you here, I was really struggling financially. And I, like those prosperity coaches I mentioned before, was out there "talking the talk" about how you can create your reality, but this issue of money was still way out of my control. I believed (and still do) in what I was teaching at the time in terms of how to go about living your life by design, but there were some serious missing pieces to the puzzle.

I finally found those pieces, and I turned everything around in only a couple of months. I am going to show you how you can do the same.

I will share with you that being a "teacher" of these principles can be tricky business.

On one hand, I have the privilege of sharing what I believe to be the most exciting principles available for our use as human beings, because they truly give us access to anything we want. We are all "wizards in waiting", and we only need be awakened to our ability before we can literally wave our magic wands and experience anything we desire.

The other side of the coin however, is that the information I am going to share with you can be quite confronting. Because when it comes down to it, your current situation ... whatever that may be ... is a direct result of what you are feeling, thinking, and believing. Unless you can take full responsibility for where you are now, you will never fully have control over where you are going.

Many people do not like to hear that. They feel much more comfortable pointing at external factors and placing the blame for their situation outside of themselves. It is just easier that way. And society has given these people plenty of ammunition to support whatever beliefs of being limited they may have.

But if we were really "controlled" by external situations, it would mean that we really have no freedom to decide our own destiny. It would mean that our environment was the ultimate deciding factor as to whether we would succeed or fail. We would simply be "reacting" our way through life. But do you honestly believe that we were put here on this planet to simply react to our environment? Oh sure, some people "react" just fine and are quite successful without any knowledge of the Law of Attraction whatsoever. Nonetheless, it is the Law of Attraction, which I will describe shortly, that determines their success.

Many people, however, do not do well by living in "reaction". They consider themselves victims. They believe they were dealt a "bad hand". Or worse, they simply do not believe they deserve the absolute best that life has to offer. As a result, they run around in circles in victim mode, perhaps buying libraries of self-help books, saying to themselves, "I hope THIS works" not realizing that they have all sorts of self-defeating conversations running at a subconscious level that will render even the most effective self-help material totally ineffective.

You can change all of that for yourself.

You are deserving of whatever you want. You truly are. This is one of the most important truths you can come to understand.

It is truly unreasonable just how much wealth you can create using the Law of Attraction. At first, it may seem that what we talk about "defies logic", but in fact, it demonstrates perfect, scientific fact.

If you have ever seen someone with seemingly unlimited monetary resources and ever thought "they have so much money it is ridiculous", that is precisely the kind of wealth we are talking about helping you develop starting immediately. And it is so simple, if you let it be.

It is your ability to "suspend reason" that allows you to have success with these principles. Many of us come from very analytic backgrounds and we have a hard time just blindly accepting new concepts, particularly if they seem to fly in the face of everything we have ever learned. Many of you will be confronted with these kinds of thoughts ... and that is okay. It is people like you for whom this book was specifically written. And it is all built around this one crucial principle:

The Universal Law of Attraction - Energy Attracts Like Energy

As you begin to understand that everything in creation is based on a system of Energy - and when you learn some very basic things about how this Energy behaves - you will begin to unleash a creative force in your life that will seem miraculous. We will cover all this in detail!

This article is based on an online educational curriculum, called "Wealth Beyond Reason" that we offer on the Internet. This Internet program allows a large group of "wealth creators" to share information with one another that helps us all to integrate these principles more fully into our lives ... because we all see the tremendous value in doing so. And so shall you, as you read this book!

I have the opportunity through that program to expand on these concepts even further. I invite you to check out the "Wealth Beyond Reason" educational program at

The reason I tell you about the online program, is because my life completely changed as a result of reading one of the books offered with that program.

The book is called "A Happy Pocket Full of Money" by David Cameron, and it is now the primary textbook in the "Wealth Beyond Reason" program. The shifts that took place in my life after reading that book led to the creation of the "Wealth Beyond Reason" online program. This, in turn, led me and others involved with the program down an incredible path of growth, discovery, and new levels of prosperity.

All because we now understand the nature of Energy and it's attractive properites in our lives.

Attracting this article can be thought of as a "milestone" in my own personal journey. It is an opportunity for me to share all that I have learned and experienced through using these powerful principles, and how your life can begin to change in a similar way.

Since adopting what you are about to learn into my own life, I have begun to attract outrageous things that are "beyond reason". And only sometimes was money required. The things that appear in my life without needing any money at all, continue to amaze me - because any "reasonable" thinker would logically assume that money ... and a lot of it ... was necessary to obtain such things.

However this is a Universe of magnetic Energy. To the extent that you learn to match your personal energetic "vibration" with what you truly desire PAST the money, you will manifest those things in your life, without worrying about how you're going to get the money to obtain it.

It could be called magic, but it's actually pure science.

Know what you want, feel and thus "vibrate" that you have it, and it will come racing toward your experience of reality to the extent that you allow it.

It's not just a good idea. It's the Law.

Bob Doyle is the CEO and founder of Boundless Living and the developer of the "Wealth Beyond Reason" program, which provides a continuing education of the physics of wealth, abundance, and joyous living through the Law of Attraction.

More Resources

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