The Laws of the Universe

What I am about to tell you will take a very open mind to comprehend. So please, open your mind.

No matter how our beliefs, philosophies or laws may differ, we are all bound together by our thoughts, feelings and actions. They are the basic principles of life. They apply no matter what our personal beliefs may be. They are our guidelines to order and structure and when we understand and apply them correctly they raise our vibrations and bring us our true form.

If we choose to ignore the natural laws, we cannot escape the consequences of our actions. You cannot alter the laws of the universe. What has been sown must be harvested. If you have used selfishness, you must accept the results. Pride, jealousy, envy, greed, malice, distrust and suspicion all these things, when they fructify will cause distress and decay.

Most of our troubles are bought about by exercising our own free will. Therefore, you might ask, is "free will" limited in the sense that there are definite tendencies of events in relation to individuals. We all have tendencies and vibrations that we do not let go. Everyone is surrounded by radiations and influences, many of which can affect your destiny. When your "free will" is used correctly, it allows you to conquer all that stands in your way of the fullest expression of that part of the universe that is within you. Because you are part of the universe and a part of the universe is within you.

A seed of the universe is planted within every human soul, like a seed is planted in the earth. If you give a seed what it needs to grow, the seed will first shoot up through the earth and will eventually bloom and bursts into full flower.

The universe has planted the seed within us all and you are the gardener. It depends upon your efforts when or indeed whether the fullness of the flower is able to express itself. There is always your free will. If you keep the seed in the darkness and do not give it the light, the universe cannot be expressed through you.

If you can understand the Laws of the Universe you can understand yourself.

The Law of Abundance:

Look around you and you will see that everything comes in abundance. Animals, trees, plants, colours, money and people are all in abundance. Abundance is all around you. But if you wish you can limit your mind. You can concentrate on what you have not got, rather then concentrating on what you have. Create an image of abundance around you and you will draw that energy to you.

The Law of Adaption:

This is the law of least resistance. It represents change and modification. For you to operate within this law you must accept change and adapt to this change with the least resistance possible. The world will always change. Today's new ideas are tomorrow's old ones

The Law of Attachment and Disengagement:

Everything is constantly changing and shifting so you must learn to only attach to the moment. Every moment dies and you must disengage your thoughts to this attachment, you must not resist transformation. By learning to disengage, you learn to accept the changes in your own life.You must learn to detach and live for the moment and not suffer from what you may not have accomplished. This law can apply to everything including fear based beliefs, business or relationships. If we learn to become unattached and a better concept appears we can disengage and adopt the new concept much faster.

The Law of Relativity:

The relationship of all things should be understood by the particular viewpoint from which they are seen. As a viewpoint shifts, the relative relationship of those things becomes different. Always compare your problems to those of others. This helps to keep a perspective on your own problems.

For example; say you where looking at a man walking down the road through binoculars. A second man ran up to him, and pushed him into a doorway. You would possible automatically think the second man was an aggressor. But on the other hand, if you where not looking through binoculars and instead where using your normal vision, you would have a wider perspective. You would then see that the second man was actually pushing the first man out of the way of a car that was going to run him over. He was actually the saviour not an aggressor. You see, a different viewpoint will be adopted dependant upon the position it is viewed.

The Law of Attraction:

This universal law shows how you can create the events, things and people who come into your life. All our feelings, thoughts, words and actions produce vibrations and energies which in turn will attract likewise. If you are negative you will attract negative people into your life. If on the other hand you are positive and release positive energy you will attract people with positive energy.

The Law of Cause and Effect:

Effect always follows cause and no individual has the power to alter by one hairs breadth the sequence of cause and effect. That which is harvested must be that which is sown in the soul of every individual. The law of cause and effect is basic, fundamental, and unalterable because you can only harvest what you sow.

Effect must follow cause with accuracy. In turn, the effect becomes the cause, by which another effect is set into motion, producing another cause. The process is a constant one.

Throughout the vast variety of the phenomena of nature, everything small or large, simple or complex follows the law of cause and effect. Nothing can interrupt that sequence. If effect did not follow cause your world, the universe, and the vast cosmos would be chaotic.

Mark Claridge specializes in teaching motivational and self-development skills. In his new FREE e-book "Mindset and Match" he covers amongst other subjects how having the correct mindset can bring you all you want out of life and is available at

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