Never Gift Pain On Valentine's Day?

Can a day that is supposed to make world go wild with passion, pain a person? That sounds surprising, Isn't it? How can Valentine's Day give pain? Yes. It can. And the pain can be many times more than the pleasure anyone can get on this day.

For a lover, who lived for the beloved, who breathed the air thinking of the beloved, who did everything in life thinking of the beloved and who shared all with the beloved, this day is nothing but a very sharp and unbearable pain if the beloved is lost. Imagine the pain of the parents on the birthday of their lost child. The same day, that used to give them only pleasure, gives nothing but so much pain that they cannot bear that. They will cry till no tear is left. Pain is bad. Pain is very bad. The breath of love that can shower one with compassion can also be very painful at times. Let us examine further.

Real pain that one gets for a lifetime does not heal over a lifetime. Many people say that time is a great healer. Ask one who is dying every minute if this is true? This is not true for those who are drowned in pain forever. Valentine's Day brings back the memories of the lost love like a flood. Call it a tsunami of pain. The waves engulf everything and take away the will of living forever. Such a lover looks not at the Rose, but surely feels the pricking of thorns. The memories of time that they shared, of the walks together, of fun, of travel, of small escapades and love, everything that made a life worth living makes the same life a hell from which there is no escape.

Life is good for the lucky ones. Those who are gifted pain find life unbearable. The feeling of emptiness of heart cannot ever be explained. One has to live this pain to know about it. The pain is a gift from the beloved who goes away, leaving a body with a beating heart, and fills every beat with a sharp pang of pain. You will find different options of buying and sending gifts to your beloved. You will never be able to buy this gift of pain. For gifting this pain, you will have to first share great time with your beloved, enslave them in your love and then throw them away from your life. After that they will live with this gift of pain forever and much more so on the Valentine's Day.

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