Low Cost, High Profit Dream Products To Sell on eBay and Amazon

Finding quality products to sell is the key to continuing success. Keeping a pipeline of low cost, fast moving items to sell is also a must. Sometimes it takes weeks of searching to find a load of quality electronics or computer equipment that you can sell online at double your cost. I'm sure you agree that this is a very good rate of return. The problem is that you may have to outlay several thousand dollars to buy the inventory. If you are new to online selling and would like to pick up high quality, easy to ship products for pennies, read on.

Did you know that 95% of books that have been published are no longer in print? What does that mean to you as an online seller? It means that you do not have to compete with traditional booksellers. I have seen books that would not catch anyone's eye fetch over $80.This is because it is an out of print book even though it might be only a few years old.

Money Making Tip

Books, audio book cassettes, and VHS tapes very often are the last items to be picked over at rummage sales or thrift stores; but I have found them to be the lowest cost, most profitable items to sell online. Most can be picked up for next to nothing, especially if you are shopping the last day of the rummage sale or at closeouts at thrift stores. Some vendors actually give the books away to clear space.

With a partner last Fall, I set up a dedicated division just for selling the above items. We are averaging over $14,000/month in book sales on Amazon and eBay. Our inventory cost to buy these books has never been more than a few hundred dollars for a full truckload.

Why would I share this secret? It works! There is no way we could obtain all of the books available.

To Find the market value for a book, tape or DVD, simply enter the ISBN number into the Amazon or eBay search Box.

You may Ask What does ISBN stand for? International Standard Book Number.Where can I locate the ISBN number? It is located on the back cover of most books, it may also be found on the first page inside the book.

Selling your Books, tapes and DVD's is easy and highly profitable, with low cost sources for these items in abundance.

Tim Gilberg is able to provide information and insight from a unique perspective - that of someone who is actually doing what others just talk about. Ebay Power Seller Platinum Status was Attained by Tim Gilberg, which is one of the highest sales levels attained selling on eBay. Tim is active on Ebay and liquidation.com as well as consulting and working with other Top ebay Power Seller's to give you real life in use insight, not theories.Visit Tim Gilberg at his website Make Money on eBay

More Resources

From Ebay Zero to Power-Selling Hero: Using Feedback Effectively
When I talk about feedback to new Ebay sellers, I usuallycompare it to having one note posted on the door of a brick-and-mortar business for every transaction. At almost any business--no matter how bad the service--you would have a lot of positive transactions; and thus a lot of positive notes.
Taxing Your eBay Profits
As a small business person-slash-advice columnist I dread the first quarter of the new year. Not because in my mind my own business fortunes start at zero again every January or because I have already dismissed every New Year's resolution I made when the clock rang out the New Year.
Learn How To Be A Successful eBay Seller
Anyone can sell anything on eBay. Open an account, list your product, and wait for the bids to start coming in.
Losing Sales By Overcharging For Shipping And Handling
As a serious seller on eBay you're familiar with their fee circumventing rules. If not, visit: http://pages.
5 Reasons Why Playing Music On Your Auctions Is A Bummer Of An Idea
There are 147 million registered users on eBay, and tens of millions of those are desperately fighting to make sales on eBay. When trying to make their auction listings as powerful as possible, many sellers use ill-advised tactics.
EBay: No Way?Yes Way (Ten Seller Themes)
Hearing that there are more than 1.2 million registered eBay users, that more than 25,000 members make five figure income as full time eBay entrepreneurs, and that more than 250,000 part timers make several thousand dollars a year of supplementary income from eBay enterprises would make anyone comment in disbelief with, "No Way".
Dropship Your Way to Success
Many people know they would like to start an Internet business, but they don't have a product to sell. The solution is often drop shipping.
Drop-ship or U-ship: That is the Question
For small Internet retailers, drop-shipping is one of the best innovations since sliced bread. How else can a start-up offer a wide variety of products and convince customers that they have a fully-stocked warehouse-while investing virtually nothing in inventory or warehousing? Before you jump right onto the drop-shipping bandwagon, however, there are some pitfalls to avoid.
Is Selling On eBay Just A Hobby Or A Real Business?
Q: I made extra money selling things on eBay last year. These were items I picked up at yardsales mostly.
How To Make Money Online : Sell On eBay
Selling on eBay can be very profitable, and is a great way to make some extra cash, or even turn it into a full-time business.If you're retired, or a stay at home Mom or Dad, or are in the market for a part time job you simply have to consider becoming a seller on eBay.
City Police Auctions of Personal Property and Autos
About City Police Departments AuctionsThe City Police Departments handle and store all evidence and property that is seized or found until it is needed for court, returned to its owner, or can be destroyed. Destruction, disposal, or return of property is determined by the property and evidence officer in accordance with federal, state, and local law.
Starting an eBay Home Business
Do I need to explain what eBay is?If 'Yes', where have you been living for the past 5 years? On Mars?EBay is the world's largest Internet auction site. There are a reported 30,000,000 users, but that number has probably increased in the time delay between me writing this article and you reading it.
Earn Money Now from Selling Childrens Items on Ebay
Kids Items You Can SellClothes, toys and videos are good money makers on eBay.Go to eBay and look up a "lot" of size six girl's cloths.
Online Auctions: The New Way of Shopping for Mauritians
Since their introduction several years ago, online auctions, such as eBay, have been one of the hottest destinations on the World Wide Web. Auction sellers are attracted by the prospect of a broad venue for their products and the possibility of high profits.
Free Auction Templates: How to Set Your Border Color With FOAM
If you have not heard of Foamtemplates.com yet, home of the "Free Online Auction Maker", now is a good time to get your feet wet.
Selling through Auction Marketplaces
Consumers are increasingly feeling more comfortable in buying products through the Internet. According to a report released recently by the Department of Commerce first-quarter retail salesrose 23.
Effective Online Car Sales on Ebay Motors
Remember back when selling online was a new experience? Dealers tried everything to sell their vehicles online. Today's market has expanded to include several hot online marketplaces.
eBay Auction Sellers Guide to Finding Hot Money Making Products
You might be one of the thousands of individuals who open a trading account with eBay and dream about making auction selling a full-time home-based business.However, before that dream can become a reality, you need to do many important things while running an auction business.
Photos on my eBay Auctions: How Do I Add Them?
On another forum I'm involved with, someone's asked a great question: I want to sell products on eBay, but I want to include photographs with my items. How do I do that? What kind of camera do I need, and what settings should I use?The first step is to buy a digital camera.
The Ins and Outs of Dropshipping on eBay
Dropshipping is an attractive marketing technique, but when you take it to eBay it becomes a real phenomenon. There are tens of thousands of people running dropshipping business as you are reading this article.

More Auction Information:

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