The Bible Of Self Publishing

Any book that is in its 14th edition must be doing something right. Such is the case with author Dan Poynter`s, The Self-Publishing Manual: How To Write, Print and Sell Your Own Book.

Poynter, in addition to authoring The Self-Publishing Manual: How To Write, Print and Sell Your Own Book, has written more than 100 books, 50 monographs and over 500 magazine articles.

The latest edition of The Self-Publishing Manual is required reading for anyone contemplating self-publishing. Succinctly, it is a "soup to nuts" manual that takes you by the hand and reveals all of the intricacies that you must know about self-publishing.

Divided into twelve chapters, the book opens with what are the publishing choices available to authors. Poynter explores various possibilities- big publishing firms, medium size niche publishers, vanity or subsidy publishers, and finally self-publishing.It is the last one which much of the book revolves around, and where the author presents a very extensive overview of self-publishing.

Poynter acknowledges that self-publishing is where you will make more money, get to press sooner and keep control of your book. Although, as mentioned, "you will invest your time as well as your money, but the reward is greater. You will get it all."

The author no doubt has done some rigorous research and every chapter is substantiated with invaluable information covering specific topics as: writing your book, starting your own publishing company, announcing your book, how to evaluate your book's worth, promoting your book, targeting your market, advertising, moving your book out the door, electronic book publishing and promotion, and coping with being published or once you are published what do you do know.

At the back is a well- presented information section containing excellent resources for publishers, recommended reading, book production and promotion resource, a calendar to keep you on track while you go through the various phases from writing to completion, and a glossary.

Readers seeking to learn the hard facts about self-publishing do not need to go elsewhere-it is all wrapped up here in 430 pages that just about answers everything you want to know.However, as the author points out in his preface, there isn't sufficient room in one manual to include everything. Consequently, as a compliment the book, the publishers, Para Publishing, have prepared several supplemental reports (called documents, special reports or instant reports) that are referred to throughout the book. These can be found on the author's web site. Appendix 2 lists all of these resources.

Norm Goldman is the Editor of the Book Reviewing site, and the travel site,

Norm is also a travel writer and together with his artist wife, Lily, them meld words with art focusing on romantic destinations.

You can view their articles and art work at

Bookpleasures comprises over 25 international prestigious book reviewers who come from all walks of life. They review all genre.

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