Change Careers? Why Not?

By Karen Larsen

Changing careers? Thinking about it? If not, why not? If you’re not happy where you are, then changing your career may be a wonderful move. However, change is a scary concept and shifting careers can be downright terrifying to consider. Relax, it doesn’t have to be.

Are you happy where you are? If so, congratulations, best wishes, stay there. Change for change’s sake is just silly. However, if you feel confined, know that you’ll never go anywhere on the corporate ladder or are just plain unhappy, then investing in your future by switching careers is an excellent idea.

Careers are something many of us choose for the wrong reasons. We decide what to do with our lives based on what our parents do, what our friends decide to do, or what makes more money than what we really love. Worse yet, some careers start from jobs we fall into and end up stuck in. You’re not stuck, you can change!

The easiest - and hardest - thing to do is decide what career you want to pursue. Switching careers without a clear vision of what you want to gain from the change is an effort in futility. So, sit down and think about what you like to do outside of work. Not everyone can make a hobby into a paying job, but why not think about it? Maybe you’ll find a way.

For example, if you enjoy coaching children, perhaps you could change careers and become a teacher. If you have a strong sense of justice, perhaps being a police officer or a judge is something to consider. Shifting careers doesn’t have to be difficult or noble. Do you like being outdoors? How about starting your own lawn service?

Once you’ve narrowed down the field of careers to just one or two, start researching them. If you know someone who is in the field you’re considering, ask them about the pros and cons. Find out what they really do in the course of a day, which may not be what you think. Look at all aspects of a career, not just pay. Consider the work environment and the stress levels, the hours and the potential for advancement.

Now you’ve decided on the career you want out of the huge number of careers available. Do you need extra education? Specialized training? Or can you just start the new job? Can you afford to leave the old job without all your financial ducks in a row?

This is the time to figure out the nuts and bolts of the changing careers thing. If you want a job that requires additional education or training, how will you get it? There are many schools offering online degrees now. This may fit into your schedule and your needs. Perhaps just doing some research on the internet at a site like Alternative Careers or checking books out of the library will be all you need to get started.

Now you’re all set to change careers, yes? Feet a little cold at the thought of leaving the familiar? That’s normal. Change is scary, especially when it can affect your financial wellbeing. There is no good way to get over the hesitation you’ll feel at switching careers except to just do it. Make the change. Once you’ve jumped into the process, you’ll become more comfortable and will probably end up wondering why you ever worried about changing careers.

So, if you’ve thought the careers process through, and are ready to start on your new path, then go ahead and take that first step. And have fun with it!

Whether your looking to change careers or just enhance the one you’ve got, check out and two great sources of information on all things dealing with careers.

More Resources

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