The Lost Art Of Fundamental Copywriting

What ever happened to good old fashion, fundamental copywriting? Has anyone seen AIDA? I mean, before you can run, you first have to learn how to walk, right? Yet, I see it over and over again. Marketers who can't even write a simple headline are trying to "hypnotize" readers with "psychological copywriting," because that's what a few of today's copywriting experts are telling them they should do!

I'll let you in on a little secret. If you master the fundamentals of copywriting, you'll automatically be writing hypnotic, psychological copy, because that's the essence of the AIDA formula. Here's a perfect example of the type of fundamental copywriting I'm referring to:

Following is a sales letter written by someone whom I have a tremendous amount of respect for, Dr. Kevin Nunley. I chose not to use a sales letter I'd written myself, because I thought that might appear to be self-serving.


Are you making the kind of money you deserve? Could your business use a kick-start? Are you looking for that easier, more effective way to run your business without working 60 hours or more a week?


The 5 Biggest Mistakes Most Auto Repair Shop Owners Make Causing Them To Go Broke, Or Retire Worrying About Money! And How You Can Prevent It From Happening To You!


This is a true story that can be your story, too! I really did it--I started with nothing but an idea for my own repair shop, and grew it to be the best one in town. Just a few years later, my shop was producing on average $25,000 dollars per bay. This almost doubles the industry standard! The best part about it was that I did not even need to be at the shop!

It may sound amazing, but you can do it, too. Lucky for you, you don't have to go through all the trial and error that I did. You don't have to make the same costly mistakes, or jump into things with blinders on. I can show you what to do every step of the way.

Welcome to! My name is Rob Russell. I have designed this website to provide valuable information to anyone interested in succeeding as a shop owner. If you are a technician looking to get started with your own operation, or a seasoned shop owner looking for help in making your shop more profitable, I can help.

As you may be aware, most repair shop owners started out as technicians (or mechanics). Most of these technicians are very good at what they do, but unfortunately, they don't know much about all the aspects of running a business: production, finance, management, customer service, etc. As a result, many shop owners end up being overworked, and become a slave to the business, working long hours with lots of stress. ARE YOU ONE OF THESE?


Using my systems, strategies, and techniques, you'll be able to handle all the complicated business aspects of running a repair shop...without all the stress the other guys are under. Less stress and simpler operations means more time and energy to spend pleasing your customers--which is what any successful shop needs to do.


My cutting-edge systems are the same systems that have allowed me to build my own shop into a model for the automotive industry. I developed these industry-specific procedures after making lots of mistakes myself, including one that cost me $10,000.

Through trial and error, I learned what works and what doesn't, and how to build a successful auto repair shop.


YES! Whether you're just one guy starting out in your own small shop, or a larger shop with 6 or 7 bays and 20 employees, my system will work for you!

I have designed this system to be step by step, and at the same time be flexible for you and your style. No "cookie- cutter" approach here. These are real world, proven techniques, that I used myself, in my own shop!


You simply have 2 choices.

First you can keep doing the same things that you have been doing, and hope that you will stumble onto the answers before you get burnt out and go broke.

Or you can simply check out the rest of my website (link to about Rob page) and see if I'm the kind of person that you would like to work with.

I can guarantee you that if you are serious about improving both your business, and your quality of life, I can help you get there. And the best part about it is we can have fun doing it!


"How To Make A Million Dollars A Year With Your Auto Repair Shop While Only Working 20 Hours A Week!" "Don't Take My Word For It, Listen To What My Clients Are Saying About My Program"


Listen to a very happy shop owner:

Have fun and may you be as profitable and successful as you deserve to be!


Rob Russell

Nationally Recognized Auto Repair Shop Marketing and Business Expert

Contact me

Office number: 503-628-7837

Office Fax: 503-628-5438

The above sales letter is one of the most fundamental, yet highly effective sales letters I've ever had the pleasure of reading. How do I know it's effective? Because when I asked Rob Russell for permission to use his sales letter in this article, I also asked him if the letter was working for him. And he told me that he was very pleased with the results.

I should also mention, in the interest of keeping this article as brief as possible, I intentionally left out the testimonials. If you would like to see the sales letter in its entirety, you can view it here:

That sales letter is a simple but psychologically powerful example of copywriting, because it follows the AIDA formula to the letter:

A= ATTENTION: The very first thing your ad or sales letter must do is get your prospects "ATTENTION". The very best way to do that is with an effective headline.

I= INTEREST: After you get your prospects attention, you want to get them "INTERESTED" in your product or service. You do that by immediately telling them what your headline promises. You don't waste their time with a bunch of fluff and garbage that nobody but you cares about.

D= DESIRE: You have to make your prospects "DESIRE" your product or service. And the way to do that is with benefits, benefits and more benefits!

A= ACTION: You want to close your ad or sales letter with a call to "ACTION!" In other words, ask them for the order. It's important to ask for the order at least three times, preferably six or more.

Anyway, that's it. You've just seen an example of fundamental copywriting at its finest.

Forget about trying to write a brilliant, psychological ad or sales letter. Follow the AIDA formula faithfully, and I promise you, the brilliance will take care of itself!

About The Author

Dean Phillips is an Internet marketing expert, writer, publisher and entrepreneur. Questions? Comments? Dean can be reached at mailto:

Visit his website at:

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