Copywriting Information

Killer Ad Copy

Not everyone is a writer. Good copy writing is a science and can be learned over time.

10 Tips for Writing Effective Web Copy

On the Internet programmers and designers rule, not the writer. Yet words drive targeted traffic to your site, carry content, make the sale, convey marketing messages, persuade people to buy and make the difference between your site's success or failure.

3 Tips For Writing Content That Will Make You Sales

Content is king. Without content your website is an empty shell, a skeleton with no flesh, an empty vessel.

How To Test The Body Of Your Sales Copy For Weaknesses

Your sales copy is the life source of your business. If your sales copy isn't pulling in a decent conservation rate, then your business is suffering.

Content is King

IntroductionA pencil. Yes, a pencil.

Boost Your B to B Marketing Copy: 3 Major Copywriting Blunders and How to Correct Them

When you're writing or evaluating copy for a B to B marketing (also referred to as b-to-b or business to business marketing) campaign of any kind, you may think it's only appropriate to write formal copy in which you refer to yourself as "we" or "our organization" and let lots of other copywriting basics fly out the window.Sadly, these sorts of mistakes are the result of the major misconception that you have to be cold and impersonal in your copy if you want to seem professional.

Three Steps To Pump Up The Drama In Your Copy

All the world's a story. Video games have storylines; newspapers report stories; country music lyrics tell a sad tale.

A Free Lesson On How To Easily Write Ads That Are Guaranteed To Make You Money

COPYWRITINGAfter determining what we are going to sell, the next task is to effectively convey our message.Copywriting is the art of writing words and messages that successfully sell a product or service.

Pulling Sales with Your Ad Copy

One of the best marketing tools available to your internet business is good sales ad copy. This can pull in sales faster than just about anything.

How Ghost Writing Articles And Booklets Can Earn You Big Money!

Do you want to make $5000, $10,000 or more every month as a freelancer? Does your current published materials earn you that much or are you still struggling looking for new jobs every month? Well, ghost writing articles and books for businesses could earn you a lot of money and end your painful quest for writing jobs.Making money as a freelance writer can be tough especially for newbies with no samples or prior experience.

Writing For Sex Markets

Many professional freelancers will go their entire career without ever once writing a story about sex. Oh, they may craft a racy scene or two in the course of writing the next Great American Novel, or they might someday write an article about the latest in sexual research, but that's about as far as many writers will ever take the concept.

Sowing the Seeds of Opportunity: How to Multiply Your Freelance (Writing) Work

You can turn your $200 fee to write a press release into $2,000 to carry out an entire PR campaign simply by convincing clients to invest in campaigns, instead of individual assignments. Campaigns achieve better results and cost less in the long-term for clients, compared to individual assignments.

Working With a Freelance Editor

If you are interested in creating information products, you will very likely deal with editors throughout your career. You may need someone to edit a book, review a special report, or tighten up a magazine article.

Advice From Successful Freelancers: Starting & Maintaining A Freelancer Career

For the e-book, Advice from Successful Freelancers: How They Built Their Careers & How You Can Too!, I asked ten questions of freelancers who were living their dream life. Following are some of their answers.

Super Verbs Really Move Your Copy

Run or hustle? Eat or devour? Move or scurry? You can boost the power of your copy by boosting the quality of verbs you use. Verbs show action, and the way you describe that action can have a dramatic bearing on your readers.

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