A Free Lesson On How To Easily Write Ads That Are Guaranteed To Make You Money


After determining what we are going to sell, the next task is to effectively convey our message.

Copywriting is the art of writing words and messages that successfully sell a product or service. From the development of the sales message on a website to classified or banner advertising, writing ad copy will be used in many facets of your business. Unless you are going to pay someone else to do it, mastering this skill is essential to the success of your venture. That's why it would be a wise decision to learn some copywriting techniques.

Don't worry! By following these simple rules will make copywriting easier and more profitable for your business.

Before actually writing the ad- keep in mind that you want it to be short and to the point. A potential customer is more likely to respond to something that is easy to read than some long drawn out explanation of a product. Next, make the ad do nothing but get people excited to visit your website or place an order. Finally, Make the offer sound so good it is impossible to say no.

The Mechanics of Writing an Ad. - Blueprint for Success.

Now comes the challenge of creating that winning AD.

Get Attention, Create interest, get them excited and give them a reason to act-Your Ad must do the following 4 things to be successful.

  • Get Attention- You want to get their attention in the headline. Some ways to accomplish this is by restating a problem or a solution. You can also entice them with some unbelievable offer. However, make sure you can deliver on the promise. Here are some examples of attention grabbing headlines:

  • The top 10 reasons of why Internet start-ups fail in their first year.

  • Learn the secrets to enjoying a long and healthy life.

  • 50 ways Internet marketers are making a fortune.

  • A millionaire's secret method exposed.

  • How to build a fortune with only $20.

  • What your local government doesn't want you to know.

  • Cut your household expenses by 20% using these strategies.

  • Researches discover a miracle healer that could possibly cure millions of people.

  • If you qualify, you will receive a week at the beach?absolutely free!

  • You are personally invited to take advantage of this once in a lifetime special offer.

  • The book that made many people wealthy and it's yours absolutely free!

  • Get your $1000 check from the federal government.

  • How reading Tom's book saved my life.

  • This is your last chance to win a free Caribbean cruise.

  • A Million Dollars is awaiting you at the finish line.

  • This software will improve performance by 50%.

  • Are you bored with life?

  • Receive a 6 months subscription to a magazine of your choice, no commitments.

  • Are you paying too much for health insurance?

  • Warning! These proven facts are beneficial to your health.

  • Create Interest- Get them wanting to know more about your product and to continue reading the ad.

  • Get them excited- "Sell the sizzle not just the steak". In other words, offer benefits and solutions don't just list the features of your product. Use powerful words, such as: New and improved--Once in a lifetime opportunity or Earth-shattering results." However, it is extremely important not to make false claims. Convincing the reader that your product will solve a problem and create the ultimate pleasure for them is extremely important.

  • Give them a reason to act- Give them a reason to act now. For example, purchase by a certain date and get 2 for 1 or while supplies last. Another possibility is offering some type of free gift if they buy now. It does not have to be expensive and could bring you thousands of dollars in additional sales.

    Finally, take the "Blueprint For Success outline" and insert information that pertains to your particular business. Here again the PFBS: Problem, Feature, Benefit and Solution equation could be used. (See article: "SUCCESSFUL INTERNET MARKETING STRATEGIES A BETTER APPROACH TO SAVE YOU TIME AND MONEY WHILE GENERATING HUGE PROFITS" for information on creating a PFBS equation.).

    I will use a previous example of a PFBS statement from the ebook "Internet Marketing On A Shoestring Budget" To demonstrate how this data is used to create ad. Copy.

    Spending too much money on advertising

    Low cost marketing.

    Save money

    Cutting ad budget while increasing profit

    The research collected from my target market, proved that many businesses had high advertising costs and were looking for methods to reduce their expenditure. This is the Problem I will focus on to craft my ad.

    My product "Internet Marketing On A Shoestring Budget" offers the following feature, benefit and solution that address this problem.

    Low cost marketing.

    Save money

    Cutting ad budget while increasing profit

    Sample Ad.

    Learn How Top Internet Marketers Are Using Free Advertising To Generate Thousands Of Dollars A Day In Sales.

    Are you spending a fortune on Internet advertising? Well No More! Discover how to dramatically reduce your ad costs by using the proven methods described in "Internet Marketing On A Shoestring Budget". The secrets exposed in this ebook are used by the top online millionaires to produce thousands of dollars a day in sales. Join this elite group by getting your copy today. Also, if you act! Right Now, you will receive a Copy of Ideasexplored. This ebook takes a look at the most profitable Internet products.

    Note: You may want to shorten this ad if paying on a word or line basis.

    How my ad copy follows the "Blueprint For Success outline"

    • Get Attention- In the headline, I used the phrases: Free Advertising and Generate Thousands Of Dollars A Day In Sales as a means to get the readers attention.

    • Create Interest- The beginning of the ad: Are you spending a fortune on Internet advertising? Well No More! Was designed to get the reader wanting more information about the product and to continue reading the ad

    • Get them excited-The body of the ad: Discover how to dramatically reduce your ad costs by using the proven methods described in "Internet Marketing On A Shoestring Budget". The secrets exposed in this ebook are used by the top online millionaires to produce thousands of dollars a day in sales. My purpose here was to get the reader excited and to create desire for the product.

    • Give them a reason to act-The conclusion: Join this elite group by getting your copy today. If you act! Right Now, you also will receive a Copy of Ideasexplored. This ebook takes a look at the most profitable Internet products. This is where I gave them a reason to act now.

    In conclusion, after determining what product to sell to our target market, the next task is how to craft a message that will effectively reach those potential customers.

    Copywriting is the art of writing words and messages that successfully sell a product or service. Mastering this skill is essential to the success of any venture. However, by following some simple rules will make copywriting an easier and more profitable task.

    Before actually writing the ad, make sure it is short and to the point. A potential customer is more likely to respond to something that is easy to read. Also, your ad needs to accomplish these 4 things: Get Attention, Create interest, get them excited and give them a reason to act, referred to in this article as the "Blueprint For Success Outline".

    Finally, take the "Success outline" and insert information that pertains to your particular business. Here again the PFBS (Problem, Feature, Benefit and Solution) equation could be used.

    Remember always test your ads to see what works best. There are so many ways to word them. If the first one does not work, don't get discouraged try different approaches until you find a "true winner".

    About The Author

    Eric Borden is the Publisher of Internet Marketing Ideas Explored. www.ideasexplored.com. This ezine explores hot products and hidden markets for online selling. In this publication you will find information on in demand products and methods in which to market them.


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