Professional Writing: Six Great Reasons to Hire a Writer

Most people can write. Some can even write well. But only a few individuals can write as quickly and persuasively as a professional writer. Effective communication requires a well-crafted message that is interesting to your audience. Anything less is a waste of your time and money.

Professional writers can develop a wide variety of documents including proposals, advertising and design copy, content for websites, sales letters, strategic plans, brochures, and newsletters. An organization looking for the best value should consider the following benefits of hiring a professional writer:

1. Save time: Your time is valuable. Effective writing and editing is labor intensive and can constrict your already-tight schedule. Hiring a professional writer allows you to focus on your many other priorities.

2. Meet your deadlines: Professional writers thrive on meeting deadlines. They can help your organization complete that pressing project on time.

3. Get your message across: Perhaps you are intending to sell a product, educate your audience, or improve staff morale. Your brochure, proposal, report, newsletter, or website should be effective and produce your desired results. Powerful and clear writing will work to inform, persuade, and motivate your reader to take action.

4. Research the topic effectively: Writing about a service, product, program, or person often requires fact gathering such as online research, interviews, supporting anecdotes, and statistics. Writers are experts in obtaining background information.

5. Clean and polish: Once you've written your rough draft, a professional writer can help you organize its structure, add additional information, tighten the copy, and spice it up with creative details. They can also help make your writing more compelling and persuasive.

6. Improve the effectiveness of design: A well-designed promotional piece requires strong copywriting. If you have compelling graphics, you'll invite people to begin reading. However, powerful content is what will keep them reading. Professional writing can ensure the success of your design efforts by keeping your audience interested.

Copyright © 2005, Wendy Gray Maynard, Kinesis

Wendy Gray Maynard is the co-owner of Kinesis. Kinesis specializes in marketing, graphic design, and business writing. Visit for more articles and free marketing wisdom.

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