Dissolving Buyer Scepticisim ... A Lesson In Copywriting

When making a purchasing decision, people have their "rip off radars" on high beam. They're wary and so they should be -- after all, they're about to spend money so they want to be sure they're not going to get ripped off, AND they want to be sure they're going to get the absolute best return on their advertising dollar.

Anyone can claim something generates great results. And they often do.

Here are some ways to dissolve scepticism and prove your claims:

1. Testimonials

You can never underestimate the power of testimonials. Testimonials will add enormous power to your copy. Because a 'real' third person is backing you up, your claims have much more credibility. The best testimonials to use are ones that tell about specific results a client has achieved. eg.

"Our turnover has more than DOUBLED in the last financial year, during a recession and much of that has been due to your great service."

"I lost 16 kgs in just 6 weeks and it was so easy"

2. Test results

Prove to your prospects that your product or service really works by including any test results that prove that or position you above your competitors. Make sure that they are independent tests so they are seen as being reliable. Statistics can also work wonders in backing up your claims.

3. Money back guarantee

When prospects are deciding between companies and between products there is always a conscious or subconscious fear in the back of their minds... a fear that they are going to be ripped off, or the product isn't going to live up to its promises. After all, your prospect is about to hand over money so he/she wants to make sure it is money well spent.

There are many ways (including the ones mentioned in previous sections) to prove to your customers the reliability and quality of your service or product but none of them compare to offering a guarantee.

If you offer a powerful money back guarantee, you are showing your prospect that you are willing to stand behind your product. You are willing to put your money where your mouth is. You are willing to risk a refund because you believe in the product so much.

You've probably seen some businesses using a half hearted approach at offering guarantees. These simply don't work. eg. Personal service guaranteed. A guarantee is useless unless you offer a refund or replacement as a result of not living up to that guarantee. You need to state these terms in your guarantee.

4. Case studies

Give an example of a before and after situation relating to one of your clients. This helps build credibility and it also helps your reader picture themselves owning the product.

5. Comparison chart

If the features and benefits of your product are proven to be better than that of your competitors, use a comparison chart which illustrates this.

Your sales arsenal

So you're about to meet with a prospective client to sell them your products or services. You're fairly clear on what to say to them to excite them about doing business with you but unless you're in a position to ensure that they sign up on the spot or if there are the minute they leave your premises.

If your prospective client needs to go back and think about your proposition and/or if there's another decision maker involved, it's very important that you leave them with something that will ensure they stay excited about using your services. Not only that, it's also important that the information they take away helps handle any objections they may have.

* Professional looking corporate profile which gives details of your company history, your products and services and most importantly, the benefits of doing business with you. The more professional this document looks, the more professional your company will look in the eyes of your prospect.

* What clients say ... a list of testimonials with punchy headlines (the more the better)

* Imagine getting results like these - a sharp list of results you've achieved for clients (a paragraph or two on each one)

* Client Success Stories - This is a more comprehensive case study document which gives a before and after picture.

* Quality colour copies of any press coverage you have received

* Frequently asked questions document which addresses the most common objections or fears felt by prospects.

About The Author

Kris Mills of Words that Sell is a seasoned copywriting professional and author of "How to Create a Sales Explosion With Every Ad and Letter You Write". More information on this popular guide can be found at http://www.synergie.com.au/explosion.htm or check out more of Kris' many copywriting articles at www.advicegalore.com.


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