Five Steps To Online Copywriting Success

One of the most important priorities of evey online business should be their copywriting. Online copywriting skills are a "must have" for anyone who is thinking about real success with their online business.

It doesn't matter if you're marketing a product, a service, a network marketing opportunity, or if you're an affiliate selling someone else's products; you need to know a little bit about online copywriting. You don't need to be an expert at it, but you should know some basics to help with constructing landing pages, content pages, or just simple ads for advertising.

When I bought my first car, I made sure that I knew how to do some basic repairs. I wanted to, at the very least, be able to do the regular maintenance to help save money. Things like changing the oil, air filter, spark plugs and wires, being able to flush the radiator, add any fluids necessary, change any hoses, and even put in new brakes. I saved a lot of money by not having to go to the garage every three thousand miles or when any basic repairs needed to be done.

The same thing can be said about basic copywriting skills. Here are five copywriting tips for you to keep in mind when doing any type of online marketing.

Know Your Audience

The first thing to consider when writing anything on the Internet is to know who you are writing it for. For example, when I am writing an ad for a client I write it for a specific targeted audience. I don't like "generic" ads that appeal to everyone. The more focused your ads, web copy, articles, ezine, special reports, or anything written is, the response rates are much higher.

When you know your audience you can write from certain angles. You can identify their problem and present your product as the solution. People are looking for solutions to problems to everything from cake decorating to finding out how to advertise for effective results. If you know your audience you know their problem and can aim your writing at them.

Remember Benefits

A lot of times when we're writing we get into the "add as many features as I can" frame of mind, when we should be thinking in a different direction. People want to know "What's In It For Me?", and they want to know now. They don't want to have to read a bunch of crap about you before they get to them.

By listing exactly what your product, or service, will do for them within your copy people will be much more apt to do what you are leading them to do. Which leads me to the next copywriting tip

Have A Direction

Know where you want to go with your copywriting. Here's and example of what I'm talking about. I was contacted by a prospective client about rewriting some web copy that dealt with a pretty good piece of exercise equipment. Of course, with the initial look at the copy I knew the problem, but to make sure I asked to see the traffic stats for his site.

The site got great traffic, but hadn't made a sale in over two months.

The copy was all over the place. There was no real direction that can take a hold of the reader and take them directly to where you want them to go. The key to online copywriting is that the person reading your copy does what you want them to do while thinking they're doing what they want to.

Once I explained to my client that his copy needed a direction to make it flow, did the necessary rewriting, his response shot through the roof.

Showing people where to go, without them knowing it, is essential to great copy.

Give A Call To Action

Having direction to your copy is great, but if you don't take the next step and tell people what to do, you'll be missing out on enormous profits. This is called a "call to action". It's getting to the bottom of your copy, or anywhere you feel will help, and saying "Click here to buy now", or "Take the time now to subscribe to our free ezine".

This is a must in your ads. Especially in ads like solo ads. People are reading through and, if left without a compelling take action now statement, will delete the ad or just click off it. Ads are a vehicle to get people to your site. A call to action is the way to get them there.

Give A Guarantee That Can't Be Refused

People still need to be left with a sense of comfort. Especially when dealing with people they don't know. A guarantee the ensures people that if they are not satisfied, or don't receive what they thought, or any other number of reasons don't want your product, can get their money back.

And doing it with a smile, at least in your correspondence, will go a long ways toward maybe keeping them as a subscriber or as a customer down the road. People like guarantees.

Basic Tips For Great Copywriting

Of course, like auto mechanics, there are a lot more advanced strategies and copywriting techniques that you can use to further increase your website's effectiveness. But, if you use these five steps towards your own copy you'll see a major improvement in your overall advertising strategies and/or website conversion.

Tim Bossie is the owner of and creates effective advertising packages for online businesses. He also has just released a major affiliate package that contains everything needed for a incredible commissions. Check out for further details.

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