The Easy Way to Make a Club Logo

Are you a member of a club or association? Have you ever thought how much better your letterheads would look with your own club logo? How about a sign for your club with your logo and club name on it?

Well, it is really very easy to make up your own logo. It will be unique to your club too.

By using your computer and some copyright free clipart you will have a huge range of material to choose from. Here's how to begin this exciting project.

You are going to select suitable objects from the clipart package and use these to design your logo.

Choose things that relate to your club's activities. For example, cameras, tripod, and film for a photography club. Or perhaps a checked background with a few chess pieces for a chess club.

The easiest way is to open an art/graphics program - most computers come with one. This does not need to be any particular program just whatever you have available.

Have a look through the clipart. This can be the ones that come with the art/graphics program or one of the many clipart CD that are for sale. Try to use copyright free clipart, most clipart is. You will be combining various clipart objects in your final logo so there shouldn't be any copyright problems anyway.

I like to copy and paste the various clipart objects onto one page in the art program. It saves going back and forth to the clipart. Collect together suitable objects that relate to your club.

Next decide on the shape you would like the logo to be. It could be square, round, arched, even heart shaped.

Open a new page then start with the logo shape and fill it in with a suitable colour. This will depend on the colours of your other objects. If the objects are dark then a light background will be better, and if the objects are mainly light try using a darker background.

Use copy and paste to move the objects onto the page with the logo background. Place your objects onto the background. Resize them to suit the background if necessary.

I like to have some of them overlapping; I think it looks more interesting. When you do this select the one you want to bring to the front, then click on Arrange, then Layer, and bring forward. Your program may be a bit different but it will let you do this - use the Help menu if you need to.

If you want to include the club name, leave room for it when you are placing the objects.

To add the club's name add a Text Box. Type in the club's name. You can use any font you like - there is almost too much choice. Move the text box into the correct position.

You could use a banner shape from the options in the program and place the club name on it if that would suit your layout.

Once you have an arrangement you like use the Edit menu to Select All, and then Save it.

You can make several logos with different objects and different layouts. Be sure to Save the ones you like!

Print them out, and take your new logos to the club so that the club members can decide on the best one to use.

It has never been so easy to create your own logo. How about one for yourself or your family?

Add the logo to all your club stationery. Use it on your letterhead, cards, and activity programs. You could even make your own sign.

A good logo will make your club standout from the crowd.

Catherine Calder is the author of the popular Acrylic Painting Course. Check out The Acrylic Painting Course Special Report 'The Easy Way to Brighten Your Community' for further information on the easy way to make your own club logo as well as a simple technique for painting a club sign - including your club's name and new logo. Look in the Special Reports section at

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