Setting Up Your Display Case

One of the best ways to display photographs, memorabilia and other prized possessions is by using a display case. When properly done, a display case can showcase your collectables for all to see in an elegant manner. Man has used display cases since the dawn of time to show off private possessions. Fortunately today there are hundreds of different styles to choose from.

Your first step toward creating a display masterpiece? Deciding the right display case. To do this you simply need to sit down and think about not only your collectibles, but also the space you have to display them in. Below you'll find some extra tips for selecting and setting up your ideal display case.

Display Case Tidbits

Whether you plan to display one treasured item or multiple items, it is important you set up your display case correctly. Doing so will ensure that visitors see your collectibles in the best light possible. You will also look on your display fondly for years to come when you take the time to set it up correctly. Here are some tips for setting up your display case correctly:

  • •Select the best style display case for your items. Remember there are many different kinds of display cases. Some examples include flag display cases, football jersey display cases, sword display cases, die cast car display cases and more.
  • •Select from the many different cases available including wooden display cases and metal ones.
  • •Select what items you want to display. If you have many different items, you may consider more than one display case.
  • •Group similar collectibles together. Plan to display like items with like.
  • •Make note of the size and width of all items you plant to display. Plan to place smaller objects in front of larger ones.
  • •Place all collectables of the same theme together in your display case.
  • •Avoid placing too many items together as this will make your display seem overcrowded.
  • •Use a mirror to reflect images in your display.
  • •Clean items and display regularly to prevent dust build up.

Remember that less is more when it comes to a display. Often a single object looks wonderful when on display all by itself. Keep in mind if you are setting up a commercial display, like a commercial pet display case, you may use a different tactic for setting up your valuables. In this case you want to load your display with as much information about any items you are selling. You also want to make sure that your display case is kept need and orderly at all times. The better your display looks, the more customers you are likely to attract.

Keeping Your Display Case In Top Shape Year After Year

Many people mistakenly believe they can set up their display case once and then leave it. As with anything however, your display case will need monthly and annual upkeep. The most important thing you can do to protect your valuables is keep you display clean and free from debris. Remember dust loves to collect on anything that sits for a long period of time. Be sure to clean not just the surface of your display and outer corners, but also the inner nooks and crannies.

If you plan to display antiques or other prized collectibles, you may have to take great care to ensure you don't damage any items while cleaning. Check with a seasoned professional about cleaning any antiques before doing so. You want your display to look good, but you definitely also want your collectibles in top shape.

Be weary of fingerprints. More likely than not most of the time you will be cleaning fingerprints off your display case. This is especially the case if you own a commercial display case.

Last but not least, consider rotating the items in your display case every now and again. If you have several items you want to display you can always change them out, keeping your display looking fresh. Alternatively you can add some accent items every now and again to help keep your display fresh. These may include silk or real flowers or other items of décor.

About The Author:
Antigone Arthur is a successful freelance writer with 10 years of professional experience providing consumers with informative articles on such topics as display cases, football jersey display cases and jewelry display cases.

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