Treasure Hunting - The Unusual Ways

When you think of treasure hunting, maybe gold coins and precious stones come to mind, but it doesn't end there. You can start in your own attic to see what treasures you find. Then you can check out some of the more unusual ways to go treasure hunting.

Diamonds In Parking Lots

Temperature changes getting in and out of cars and buildings cause diamonds to come loose from their settings. Because of this, parking lots are one of the most common places diamondare lost. An older couple I read about became experts at telling the difference (from a distance!) between the sparkle of a diamond and bits of glass. Now they regularly take early morning walks in mall parking lots for a second income.

Desert Treasure Hunting

An old Native American we met at a hot spring in Arizona showed us how to find arrowheads and metates (used for grinding corn or mesquite beans) in the desert. They're hundreds of years old. He sold one of his metates for $200 during a yard sale, but for non-Native Americans this may be illegal. Check with authorities on this one.

Treasure In Vacuum Cleaner Dust

In California a man took the shag carpet from an a old theater being remodeled, saving the owners the cost of disposal. During the thirties the theater was a place where the wealthy went. Like all of us, the wealthy lose things, but perhaps more valuable things.

When he cut up and carefully shook out the old carpet , he found over $2,000 worth of precious stones, rings, and coins. Then, wondering what's caught by vaccuum cleaners, the man arranged to take the full cleaner bags from several cleaning companies each week. They save disposal costs, and he regularly finds coins and small jewelry when he digs through the dirt.

Natural Treasures

My wife and I have sold sea shells we collected from Florida beaches, giant pine cones from California, and rocks we collected all over the country. We sold them at flea markets and craft shows, as is, or made into something crafty. I once met a man who sold "burls" (unusual growths on trees) for as much as $200 each.

Treasure Hunting In The Garbage

Our city collects large junk for free during a week each spring. We see good bicycles, furniture, games, toys, chairs, and more, in front of almost every house. Several people come with trucks and trailers to pick out things to sell at flea markets or auctions. It's a regular source of income for some of them. I'm sure this happens in other cities too.

Treasures In The River

Both kids and criminals throw things off of bridges routinely. It's a quick way to get rid of evidence. As a child I saw bicycles in rivers several times. I read about a man that makes a living using magnets and other tools to retrieve guns, money, and other things of value from the bottom of murky rivers, near bridges.

These are just a few of the ways to go treasure hunting. Will you make much money? Maybe, but probably not. I can tell you though, that it is a thrill to hear the metal detector start beeping, even if I do only find a quarter in the sand.

Steve Gillman has been studying every aspect of money for thirty years. You can find more treasure hunting ideas, and more interesting and useful information on his website;

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