Photograph Mosaics and Markers in Your Scrapbooks

An attractive technique for placing photographs into scrapbooks is the photograph mosaic. Mosaics stretch photographs into an artistic rendition of the original photograph. Maps can also be stretched in this way. This method might be employed to create a funky look for a friend scrapbook or as a background for someone who likes computers, GIS, or geography.

A basic cropping technique is used to create a photographic mosaic. Simply cut a photograph into evenly spaced squares. Then, glue the squares onto the background leaving an equal space between each square.

A white background or a background matching the background color of the photograph will add to the effect. A background of a contrasting color will reduce the spaced out effect of the photograph.

A marker is a seeming obvious tool for writing and embellishing on scrapbook pages. Markers are easy to draw with and can be used to color in portions of lettering, in borders, or to create accents. Unfortunately, regular markers tend to smudge and bleed through scrapbook pages.

Nonetheless, there are a few brands of markers (Markers Pigma and Color Workshop Blo Pens) available in craft and office supply stores that do not smudge or bleed. These markers are also acid free, fade resistant, waterproof, and available in a variety of colors.

Mia LaCron is the founder of - - devoted to helping individuals record, store, and preserve their most cherished memories via the art of scrapbooking.

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