The Power Of Your Intuition

We all have enormous reserves of mental capacity that we habitually fail to use. There is no problem that we cannot solve, no obstacle we cannot overcome, and no goal we cannot achieve when we learn to use the incredible power of our mind to its full capacity. When we us the power of our mind to it's fullest our creative capacity is unlimited.

All of the truly successful men and women in history started down the path the success by learning to listen to their intuition. Your intuition is your direct connection with infinite intelligence. It is often called the "still small voice" within. You may experience your intuition as a gut-feeling or as an inner sense of what is right or wrong for you. Sometimes your intuition manifests itself as an inspiration, a hunch, or a flash of insight.

Intuition is a natural ability. It is a skill that you already have. But this skill must be developed. It's a mistake to begin making any important future decisions based on your intuition if you have only had a few random experiences with it. The more practice you have with your intuition, the more effectively you'll be able to use it. You intuition is like a muscle. The more you use it, the stronger it grows and the faster it acts.

Every change in our life begins with a new piece of information. People who are the most successful are those who deliberately expose themselves to the greatest number of new and different ideas. They do this by reading books, listening to audio programs, attending seminars in their chosen field. They know that it only takes one good idea to change the entire direction of their life. So it stands to reason that the more ideas you come up with the greater the probability there is that you'll come up with the right idea.

All highly successful men and women are those who completely trust their intuition to guide them in every situation. They never speak or act until they feel an inner urging to do so. They know that their intuition will always bring them exactly the right answer at exactly the right time. Highly successful men and women rely continuously on their intuition and as a result they seldom make mistakes.

Your intuition is the direct pipeline to a form of intelligence that is completely beyond your physical brain. It's accessed by your subconscious mind. You subconscious mind is controlled by the thoughts you think and the beliefs you hold in your conscious mind. The more you affirm and visualize your desired goals in your conscious mind, the faster they are picked up by your subconscious mind, and this then triggers your intuition.

We've all made many decision in our life. Some right and some wrong. When our intuition tells us to do something or not to do something, it is always right. How often have you made a decision that went against your intuition, only to regret it later? How often have you pushed aside that hunch or nagging inner feeling, only for your decision to come back to haunt you? This is because you intuition is always correct. It gives you exactly the right answer you need at exactly the right time for any given situation.

When you have a clearly defined goal that you very much want to achieve it automatically stimulates your intuition. The more you think about, affirm, and write out your goal, the more your mind will be committed to finding ways to achieve it. When you repeatedly send the message of your goal to your subconscious mind, you activate your intuition to bring you the ideas, insights, and opportunities to help you achieve it. That is why intensely goal oriented people accomplish far more than people who are general or vague as to what they want to be and have.

Problem solving is another excellent way to activate you intuition. Whenever you have a pressing problem that you have clearly defined and intensely desire to solve, it automatically activates your intuition to find a solution. But, in order to activate your intuition, the problem must be clearly defined. It cannot be fuzzy or vague in any way.

Asking hard and focused questions is yet another way to stimulate your intuition. The more you train yourself to ask hard, focused, and provocative questions, you activate your intuition to give you the insights and ideas you need to move forward in your life.

Practicing solitude on a regular basis is the best way to stimulate your intuition. Solitude is an essential tool in developing the creative insight and intuition that will give you the ideas and answers to important questions, that will in turn, bring about powerful changes in your life. Most people have never practiced solitude. They are so busy, they feel that they don't have the time to set aside 30 minutes each day to practice solitude.

What most people fail to understand, is that one good idea through the practice of solitude can save you a year of hard work. All of the greatest leaders and highest achieving men and woman in history have all practiced solitude. If you want to be successful, you simply cannot afford not to practice solitude on a regular basis.

Here are eight simple steps to help you practice solitude and develop your intuition:

1. Go to a quite place where you will not be disturbed. Relax, sit comfortably, and close your eyes.

2. Begin to breath deeply. When you inhale focus on breathing with greater calmness and peace. Visualize and feel relaxation flowing into you each time you breath in. When you exhale feel yourself blowing out the pressures and stresses of the day and know that the tension is draining from your body.

3. Picture a funnel, its wide end extending up and out from the center of the top or your head.

4. Gently guide your awareness upward and focus your attention out through the funnel. Be open to whatever you experience.

5. Remember, do not try too hard; do not force your concentration.

6. Feel how a multitude of impressions seem to pour into your mind through the funnel. Notice the sensation of heightened awareness that opens to you there.

7. Practice alternating this exercise. One day practice this exercise with your eyes closed and then the next day practice it with them open.

8. Practice this exercise daily for a minimum of 30 minutes each day.

Each and every one us has at our disposal the same intuitive powers used by some of the smartest men and women who have ever lived. You have the ability to tap into and use a higher form of intelligence than you have ever used before. Your intuition can help you solve any problem and achieve any goal. Once you begin to develop and use your intuition you will become more alert, effective, and smarter in everything you do. Your potential will unfold at speed that you cannot now imagine. Your future will become unlimited.

Copyright© 2005 by Joe Love and JLM & Associates, Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.

Joe Love draws on his 25 years of experience helping both individuals and companies build their businesses, increase profits, and achieve total success. A former ad agency executive and marketing consultant, Joe's work in personal development focuses on helping his clients identify hidden marketable assets that create windfall opportunities and profits, as well as sound personal happiness and peace.

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