Creativity Information

Art, Artists and Vocation

"If you really want to upset your parents?go into the arts!"-Kurt VonnegutHow many times have people been told that "You can't make it as an artist."How many times when you've told someone that you are studying theater, dance, the visual arts, do people look at you and cringe; feel sorry for you, and feel that you and your family have wasted a great deal of money, and that you have wasted years of your life.

How To Get In The Zone And Blast Your Marketing To A Higher Level

This may come as a surprise..

Its Time to Get Out of the Box

"It is never too late to be what you might have been. "(George Eliot)I have found that truly successful people surround themselves with the support that makes them excel.

The Healing Powers of Journaling

For the past several years, I have found joy working as a motivational writer and speaker. One of my greatest passions has been the gift of sharing my deep love and respect for the written word.

Drawing On Creativity: How To Trick Your Brain

Can you draw?Your answer to that question reveals a surprising amount about your brain and the way you integrate your right and left hemispheres. (In this article, the left side will be referred to as the dominant one, which is by far the most likely scenario.

Push The Right Button

You can live a much more successful life than you think! Just push the right button and see how it opens the doors of success for you. Yes, its so simple and easy.

Turning Obstacles Into Blessings

"Your capacity to be creatively alive in virtually all life circumstances will depend in large part upon the kind of attitude you choose for yourself."- Dr.

Finding A Little Adventure

I have had more than my share of exciting times and I'm grateful for every one of them.There was the time the bear came into camp at 11:00 p.

Top Ten Creative Strategies for Inspiring Creativity Where You Work and Play

Websites, automobiles, milk cartons, living spaces. Design saturates every aspect of our lives and the difference between success and failure could be the color purple, could be the person that you talk to every morning when you wake up, or could be the amount of light that streams into your office every day.

9 Ways to Live Creatively

Creativity - according to Webster's it means having the ability or power to create; characterized by originality and expressiveness; imaginative. Ok that sounds great, wouldn't we all like to be more creative every day? Sometimes the hardest part to trying something new is the first step.

Theres A Light At The End Of Your Tunnel, Called Imagination!

Imagine this. You've got this huge dream you just turned into an exciting accomplishment.

Creativity Stereotypes - Are They Holding You Back?

Here's a quick quiz:1) When I see a see a sunrise, I'm moved to:A. Compose a poem.

Connect With Your Creative Dream

We get so busy in our day-to-day life, with all the doing and actions and daily chores, that we can quickly lose sight of the BIG PICTURE. What's it all for? What are you working towards?If you don't know where you're going, how will you know when you get there?Taking the time to connect with your creative dream allows you to visit (and then revisit) the big picture.

5 Ways to Enhance Your Creativity

We're born creative. However, this innate characteristic becomes buried as we get older.

Tap the Creative Inside You

Imagination is the source of creativity. It's a place where unlimited possibilities reside.

More Resources

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