Turning Obstacles Into Blessings

"Your capacity to be creatively alive in virtually all life circumstances will depend in large part upon the kind of attitude you choose for yourself."

- Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, Author/Lecturer

In almost every part of daily living, there are obstacles that prevent you from accomplishing your goals. Whether the obstacles are in running a business or in handling a personal crisis, the objective is the same. You have to get above it, over it, under it, or around the obstacle.

Whenever you are faced with an obstacle, learn to see it for what it is. Think of how you can remove it, or make it harmless and not so important. By making the obstacle weaker and less important, you make yourself and your business more stronger.


Never dwell on the cause of the obstacle. Rise above it and change the way you respond to it. It only has as much power as you're willing to give it.

Check your attitude. Know that you have the ability to control the outcome, and/or to choose the answer that's right for you.

Think of an alternative. If one answer doesn't work, or if it doesn't feel right, try another way to get to the best solution.

Realize that your view of the obstacle is what may determine how much impact it has on your life.

Think about what you were doing just before the obstacle happened. Don't make excuses to yourself. Turn the obstacle into a positive motivator. Then find a way to move toward your goal.


*** FEAR OF FAILURE. Do you think of all the reasons not to pursue your goals because you might fail? What if you make a wrong choice? What happens when something doesn't work out? These can be mind numbing experiences. Ask yourself if your fear keeps you from doing your best, or if you might lose a client or friend because of it.

*** GUILT. No act, either big or small should make another person feel guilty. When you give your best, you have no reason to feel guilty. When you trust your feelings and are responsible for your actions, you'll have no reason to feel guilty.

*** CRITICISM. The Golden Rule prevails here. When you do (criticize) unto others, it (criticism) will be done unto you. If you can't take criticism, don't criticize others. Set boundaries between you and your critics. Try not to return criticism with criticism. You will be the better person.

*** DEFEAT. This obstacle is all in your attitude. The more stressed or overwhelmed you are with handling challenges, the more defeated you may feel. Let your faith work for you and know that with your skills you'll get it right. At times, you may need to connect with a higher source of power. If your spirituality or belief is strong you will overcome any challenge.

*** CONFLICT. Dealing with difficult situations, and difficult people can be quite intimidating. What do you do when you find yourself in a frustrating situation? Are you passive? Aggressive? Or, assertive? After you've identified the specific issue, take a deep breathe, then act or speak with your honest feelings and get closure on the situation. For example: if you need to confront someone, be specific about what happened and how it made you feel. Then get your point across without hanging on to your anger. Look for a positive outcome--one that will benefit everyone involved.

Obstacles are only temporary misfortunes. The next time you experience an obstacle, whether it's fear, guilt, defeat, criticism, or a conflict in your life or business, remember that you have a choice to turn any obstacle into a blessing. Take a look at the people you interact with. Are they fair? Positive and upbeat? Respectful? Pleasant to be around? Are you the same? If so, then your obstacles will be at a minimum.

Think of other obstacles that may hold you back from succeeding. Recognize them. When you encounter an unmovable obstacle, confront it and learn from it so that the next time you'll be stronger and quicker to get to a favorable result. Be positive. Be respectful. Be powerful. Be pleasant. You always have a choice!


About The Author

Gerri D Smith is publisher and host of multiple Gateways to inspiration, motivation, and information for individuals, small business owners, and entrepreneurs. Gerri's internet business resource offers ways for you to unlock the doors to personal success. To help you reach more of your successful and financial goals, become one of the exclusive subscribers to her Free Monthly Newsletter. For details, visit: http://www.distinctivebusinesswomen.com Or, send blank email with: "Subscribe to DBW's Newsletter-11AC" in Subject Box and mailto: gerri@distinctivebusinesswomen.com


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