Learn A Life Skill TODAY!

Did you ever watch your grandma knitting?

Wasn't it boring? Didn't it seem to take forever?

Most of us live life in the fast lane.

Who needs to buy balls of yarn, search for patterns and spend - heaven forbid - the next three months making a jumper, when we can buy one in the high street for next to nothing.....

So why bother learning to knit?

  • the garment you make yourself is special to you or whoever you make it for. Create your own unique 'look'.

  • you will NEVER bump into someone wearing the exact same thing. Style and originality in one!

  • if you ever thought you didn't have a creative bone in your body - think again. Creating something useful will give you the most wonderful sense of achievement, second only to giving birth!

About The Author

Linda Gray is a freelance writer and designer. She has created a beautifully illustrated 'how-to-knit' ebook which you can download for FREE from her working from home website. http://www.mylot.org/stixandyarn.htm


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