Anxiety and Depression - Why Depression Drugs May Not Be Necessary - Fight Depression Naturally

Millions of people, especially in the United States, are currently suffering the symptoms of depression, and have even gone as far as taking prescription antidepressants that may have harmful side effects and dampen the quality of their life in other ways in the hopes it will just go away.

The fact is, many prescription antidepressant drugs do have undesirable side effects that really can affect other areas of your life, but they are looked at by many as "the lesser of two evils". It's better to not be depressed and anxious, even if you do suffer side effects such as headache, nausea, and decreased sexual function, right?

Wrong! There is a better way to manage stress, anxiety and depression - naturally and without man-made drugs or narcotics. This natural antidepressant remedy actually contains several pure botanicals, natural compounds and herbs that work in unison to balance mood, elevate our natural "antidepressant" chemicals in the brain, maintain even blood sugar levels (which believe it or not, has actually produced weight loss and belly fat loss in many who have taken it), and promote an overall sense of well being and peace.

This product is an excellent remedy for calming anxiety and depression. There are also lifestyle tips that will help you fight depression, anxiety and stress. Number one on that list is - you guessed it - moderate exercise. Now I don't mean you have to do aerobics until you drop, but a nice, steady flow of cardiovascular exercise like walking, jogging, biking, or another form of low impact exercise is an excellent way to manage these symptoms, while also promoting a healthy blood pressure level, a healthy heart, and bodily strength and endurance.

Yoga, forms of slow dance, tai chi, and other meditation-type exercise is also an excellent way to manage stress, anxiety and depression. These types of meditative exercises promote healthy bodily functions, a healthy state of mind, and mental focus, which are key factors in supporting a healthy sense of well being and peace.

If you have a desk job, make it a point to get up and walk around once every hour. Inactivity is one of the biggest perpetuators of depression and anxiety. The human body was designed to be in frequent motion, not to sit all day. So go, get a drink of water, walk some stairs, or take a little walk outside whenever you get the opportunity. You'll be amazed by what physical activity will do for your mental state.

Lastly, take some time for yourself. Every night, take a little time out of your schedule for yourself. Whether it is reading a book, writing in a diary or journal, taking a walk outside, or doing anything else you enjoy, just do it. Getting a little dose of genuine joy or peace in your day is key to being a happy and well-balanced person.

With these few lifestyle guidelines in mind, don't let depression and anxiety destroy your quality of life. Everyone deserves to live a happy, fulfilled life without the need for prescription anti-anxiety and antidepressant drugs. If you need help, but do not want the common side effects of depression medication, I highly encourage you to take a look at this effective new product.

Danna Schneider is the webmaster and founder of, a nutraceutical information site focusing on the latest and most effective in natural life improvement and enhancement products. Visit her site at

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