How Can Collaborative Law Be Beneficial In Your Texas Divorce?

Collaborative law is based on the realization that the commitment by the parties in a family is that it is in their best interest to avoid going to trial.

This process relies on open and honest communication and cooperation between the parties and their lawyers to achieve a fair result. This is a revolutionary approach to law, and legal professionals from all over the country are flocking to Dallas, Houston, and Austin which are the cities leading the way in developing this new approach to solving family law problems.

When a husband and a wife agree to handle their divorce through collaborative law, they agree to identify the goals, values, and interests of each parties. Both the husband and the wife maintain control over their decisions and how their family will make this life transition.

The collaborative law process takes dispute resolution to whole new level. Texas is at the national forefront of this exciting new way to solve family law problems. Our normal legal system uses an adversarial process to settle disputes. Collaborative law attorneys abandon this process, and instead use "team approach".

What does this mean for a couple in the process of a divorce?

Instead of playing alot of "legal games" which end up costing everyone alot of legal fees, both parties and their lawyers agree to cooperate and share the information needed to achieve a fair property settlement. This process is used for couples who both do and do not have children. If necessary, the parties agree to use neutral consultants such as CPA's, Appraisers, and sometimes Mental Health professionals.

In spite of all the jokes you hear about lawyers, we really do CARE about our clients. We care about their pain, their frustration, and we care about helping to protect their kids from the "fallout" of this emotional period.

We also care about the financial cost of divorce. The less parties "fight", the less they have to pay their attorneys, and the more money they have to divide between themselves and/or spend on their kids!

Not certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization.

This article is designed for general information only. This information is not intended to be legal advice. Consult an attorney for before making any legal decisions based on your individual circumstances.

Marilyn Gale Vilyus is a houston family law lawyer practicing in divorce, child support, child custody, and divorce mediation.

Law Office of Marilyn Gale Vilyus
Attorney/ Mediator
16151 Cairnway Drive Ste. 210
Houston, TX 77084 281-550-6650

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