Neighborhood Mobile Watch Program

Setting up a Neighborhood Mobile Watch Program in your community can deter crime, raise property values and help your community feel safe and secure. Part of the success of a Neighborhood Watch Program is proper public relations. In my Free Online E-Book you can learn the benefits that such a volunteer program can give your community. Proper public relations, news coverage and press releases can help you recruit more volunteers. As you get more and more press you will be able to alert criminals that your community is united against crime.


During the early 1990s, Lance Winslow initiated the Neighborhood Mobile Watch Patrol program in California. Many of the articles and press releases are available for viewing online. Here are web addresses below to these articles. The material in these articles can be used to develop press releases for your own Neighborhood Mobile Watch Patrol. Plus, they provide insight into the many people that it takes to organize such a program.

If you are ready to secure your community from crime and wish to start your own Neighborhood Mobile Watch Patrol feel free to download or read it online. I knew you would be looking for it, so I made sure to put it up in advance. Just use the web address below. Glad to be of service.

"Lance Winslow" - If you have innovative thoughts and unique perspectives, come think with Lance.

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