You Really Can Make A Fortune Off Of EBooks and Software Resale Rights

When I first considered online selling, I had trouble thinking of a product to sell. I did not have a storefront or any particular talents to offer.

I started testing the waters by selling odds and ends on Ebay. I would visit consignment shops, stores which sold overstock or discontinued items and purchase the products for a fraction of the retail cost.

I sold several different items to see which ones sold best. I finally settled on porcelain dolls. I found a company where I could purchase the dolls in bulk quantity at wholesale prices and sold them on Ebay. It was great for a while, especially during seasonal holidays. I even became a Power Seller. But I had two big problems. I did not have a functional place to store the products and the slower selling products tended to just collect dust on the shelf. Therefore my basement became cluttered with dolls, taking up valuable space.

THEN, I learned about reselling authorized reprint rights, particularly, ebooks, and downloadable software. It is the perfect solution for making a fortune online with little investment. For example, I purchased a reseller bundle package for $29.95 which included over 85 ebooks and software resell rights. With very little effort, I resell the same product over and over without having to re-purchase additional licensing rights. I only needed one sale to break even. The possibility really is this easy to make continuous profits over and over again. Because the products are downloadable, I don't have to worry about storage locations. I simply provide a download link to the customer upon receipt of payment. It's perfect.

You can sell the products as a bundle (as in the original purchase) or sell the products individually for as much you want. The best part is that many of these ebook and software packages come with professionally designed websites for each of the products. You just need to modify the contact information and payment method and host them on a web hosting server.Now, there are few important things to remember. It is wise to sell a product that you actually believe in and have enjoyed using yourself. Also in order to maximize your profits, you should market your product. Establish a mailing list and introduce your product (no spamming). Advertise your product on other websites. There a numerous of marketing techniques you can use to make immediate self generating income (even while you sleep).

Copyright, Kaaryn Walker

Author Kaaryn Walker is a work from home owner of a successful online business.

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