The Easy Way To Lasting Self Motivation

Will power alone will never work over the long term. It isthe hardest way possible to get yourself to do anything.

How To Beat Procrastination At Work

Listen. If you don't beat procrastination at work the long term consequences could be serious.

7 Tips For Unstoppable Motivation And Enduring Success

Procrastination is of no use to you in your quest to fulfill your dreams. Lose those old habits and replace them with habits that lead to self-motivation and control over your life.

12 Powerful Motivational Tools That Guarantee Success

No matter how many years you spend in a classroom or fromwhat social class or lifestyle, motivation is the commonfactor among those who are high achievers.Finding the tools to put meaning and purpose in your life,developing a vision, and becoming highly motivated can leadyou towards a successful and exciting life.

So What Is Your Real Motivation?

We are all guilty of wanting to change our circumstances, bettering ourselves and altering our life's plans, but unfortunately a lot of us fail to see the bigger picture. In fact many of us don't even realise that there may be a bigger picture.

Have A Crack!

For everyone the New Year is now in full swing. There is also a percentage of us that are wondering where the last few months went.

Procrastination: Make It Work FOR You!

Man, I love to procrastinate! And I'm pretty darn good at it, too. Would you believe I started writing this article almost six months ago? Yep.

Mid-Year Success Check: Are You Halfway There?

In a couple weeks, we'll be heading into the second half of 2005. How are you doing on those New Year's resolutions?What were they?Think back for a minute at how committed you were to achieving them.

10 Easy Ways To Stop Procrastinating

It is counterproductive to concentrate on so many tasksthat you cannot accomplish them and may cost you time andenergy with no results. Many people seem to spend a lot oftime and energy only to achieve very few results.

Why To Dump Will Power And Get Motivated The Easy Way

For over 20 years I have been fascinated by the possibilities that exist for creating rapid and lasting personal change. And I learned some great tools for personal change.

5 Great Ways To Overcome Procrastination At Home

If you procrastinate at home you may suffer some consequences from disgruntled family members who have to carry your share of the workload.A worst-case scenario is that your procrastination and lack of motivation may carry over to other members of your family, resulting in absolutely nothing being done.

9 Great Ways To Change Your Life By Changing Your Motivation Style

If you are not as productive as you'd like or tend to procrastinate, you can become motivated by changing your personal style. The trick lies in making the activities you put off more interesting, easier, and less unpleasant.

How Self-Made Millionaires Overcome Procrastination

Do you want to know how the super successful overcome procrastination?One fascinating hallmark of all highly motivatedmillionaires is their strongly held conviction that theywill succeed. Whatever it takes and despite any challengesthat crop up.

7 Magical Ways To Stop Procrastination

There are a number of techniques to help you stop procrastination once and for all. If you can stop procrastination in your life just think about what you could accomplish and how much better you would feel.

3 Great Ways to Beat Procrastination at Work

As more tasks become automated due to advances in technology there is a general expectation, whether it is realistic or not, that productivity should increase as well.Everyone seems to have more work than can possibly be done in a day and this pressure can result in feelings of being overwhelmed which in turn leads to procrastination at work which can actually decrease productivity if not properly managed.

5 Forgotten Secrets to Beating Procrastination at Home

It's not easy to stay motivated and beat procrastination while being at home. Too many distractions and feeling that tasks can always be delayed until tomorrow or the next day can cause procrastination at home to set in.

How to Stay Motivated Until You Get What You Want

And somehow you knew how to stay motivated..

2 Simple Ways To Cure Procrastination

Curing procrastination is not necessarily about will power or forcefully advancing in your goals but rather it is about learning why we procrastinate, what we are afraid of and finding ways to face those fears in order to move forward in our lives.What are you afraid of?1.

3 Clever Ways To Stop Procrastinating

Stopping procrastination can be challenging, especially since you can't put it off until tomorrow! Most people who procrastinate did not do so overnight. Like any other bad habit, procrastination starts small and builds itself up.

4 Secret Ways to Stop Procrastinating

Ever wonder how to stop procrastinating?I was recently talking with a friend who said, "You know, Ineed to have guests over to my house more often." "Why isthat?" I asked.

Why Now Is The Perfect Moment For You To Succeed

Let's discover the importance of balancing preparation, timing and momentum. It's critical if you want to finally beat procrastination.

8 Super Ways To Avoid Procrastination

We are all guilty of delaying what needs to be done at sometime or another; so learning ways of how to avoid procrastination is beneficial to everyone.Although learning how to avoid procrastination is simple, applying the principles is harder as those who do procrastinate, will put off even attempting to avoid procrastination itself.

Motivation By Daily Applause

One of our most powerful psychological needs is the craving to be appreciated by our fellow humans. Often the quickest way to receive the applause we desire is to keep working hard without it.

Regret or Passion? Which Will Be Yours?

I once attended a retreat on how to live with passion and fulfill one's life's work. The facilitator posed the question, "If money was not an issue, yet you had to work full-time, what would you do?" Answering this question was a turning point for me.

Motivation By Spring Cleaning

Spring cleaning is a great motivator. Why confine it to Spring?It is arguable that we should not only give gifts at Christmas and make resolutions at the New Year.

Mr. Smith, Please Enter the Dream Room - Dream Big Dreams to Do Big Things!

Enjoy a great quote to start off this fantastic week!"All men dream: but not equally. Those who dream by night in the dusty recesses of their minds wake in the day to find that it was vanity: but the dreamers of the day are dangerous men, for they may act their dream with open eyes, to make it possible.

Comment on Extra Ordinary Men of Our Time

Remember during the missions of Apollo. And others we knew every astronaut by name, we made them heroes.

If I Had 24 Hours To Live

A few years back, the ex-recording artist, turned Pastor, turned recording artist again, Mase, had a record out called "If I Had 24 hours to live?"During the song, he, and a couple of other rappers, stated what they would do if they had 24 hours to live.For some reason, when I sat down to write this newsletter, I thought of that song, "If I Had 24 hours to live?"What if you found out that you had 24 hours to live?Think about it for a moment.

Victorious Living

How are things going for you? Are you sitting on top of the world or at the bottom of a pile of problems? Were you born with a silver spoon in your mouth or raised on the wrong side of the tracks? Do you say that life dealt you a bad hand? Know what? You are in good company. Everyone has their share of troubles.

Mindfulness and Birthdays: Surprising Moments

The first week of May is a big birthday time for my family. My husband's birthday is May 3rd, and my oldest daughter's is May 6th.

Secrets to Motivating Yourself and Others

There is hardly anything more personal that what motivates each of us to perform in a work environment. Here's some insight into how to choose the best "carrot" to motivate both yourself .

Are You A Visionary

Dreams may seem unimportant in your quest for success. And it's true that ordinary dreams are often a mix of what happened during your day --plus some "wild" random associations.

12 Reflections on Personal Responsibility

Responsibility means being accountable for what we think, say, and do. Personal responsibility involves working on our own character and skill development rather than blaming others for situations and circumstances.

Unleash Your Unlimited Power

Your Non-Conscious Mind is 98% of your full power. Your Inner Knowing is at least 986,743 times more powerful than your non-conscious mind.

Do More! Learn More! Create More! Live More!

Over the years in America and the west generally, the nature and means of education have dramatically changed. But it is an error to think that before the contemporary era of schooling on a mass scale that no one was deeply or broadly educated.

The Simple Secret To Lasting Motivation

This is a key to lasting motivation and beating procrastination.If you have friends who are highly driven business people, spend time with them whenever you want a motivational boost.

Right Action & Right Effort: The Keys to Martial Arts Mastery, Keys 3 &4

In the philosophical teachings that form the base for our Warrior Concepts Life Mastery Program, there is a model by which we can examine our thoughts, words, and actions from eight distinct perspectives. These eight "paths" which contribute to both who we are and how we associate with the world around us include our:1.

Stop Holding Yourself Back

Try this exercise. Take a sheet of paper and list down all the emotions you can think of? Take a couple of minutes and if possible, keep writing for as long as you can? Come on, do it.

We Are Trying To...

How many times have you heard this in your life? Perhaps you have said it yourself. We are trying to accomplish something here.

Todays Trivia

I received an email today that said I could: "Make 500-10k from your living room," which I find to be an amazing claim, seeing as how I'm here, in my living room, making whatever hourly rate it is I charge for whatever it is I'm doing at this moment, and yet the living room itself is of no help in this regard. I could be making money in another room altogether.

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NFL rising star honors childhood promise to fourth-grade teacher following draft selection

A Detroit Lions’ new star player kept a promise he made to his fourth-grade teacher. Ennis Rakestraw Jr., drafted by the Detroit Lions in 2024, wrote to his fourth-grade teacher before starting fifth grade. “You are the best teacher ever,” Ennis started the letter. Ennis continued the letter by appreciating Mr. Gammon’s support and encouragement, …

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A tiny Mexican taco stand makes history by winning the coveted Michelin star for its simple recipe

A Mexican taco stand has made history by winning a Michelin star. Chef Arturo Rivera Martínez, who recently received a Michelin star, continued his 20-year tradition of cooking meat on a very hot grill at the first Mexican taco stand to earn this honor. Michelin representatives gave him a fancy chef’s jacket, but he didn’t …

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Swedish man’s tiny home has a hidden office and the most gorgeous bathroom

Most homeowners are satisfied just to have a comfy bathroom in tiny homes. However, some homeowners want it gorgeous! Bjarne Salen, a veteran filmmaker, lives in a tiny home named Ljuvlig, meaning lovely in Swedish. For 15 years, he has been traveling the globe to create ski films and documentaries. “Living in a tiny home …

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A new study finds that a significant number of home buyers prefer to live near their moms

A new study found that most home buyers prefer to buy a house near their mom’s home.’s survey reveals that children frequently opt to live closer to their mothers, with this “Mom factor” significantly shaping their home-buying decisions. “Many home buyers and homeowners take their moms into consideration when making housing choices,” says …

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Top doctor remains cancer-free with groundbreaking experimental treatment he helped developed

Australian doctor Richard Scolyer announced he’s cancer-free a year after testing an experimental treatment for glioblastoma, a severe form of brain cancer. The 57-year-old pathologist developed a new treatment based on his skin cancer research. He has a severe form of brain cancer, usually fatal within a year. However, his recent scan showed no return …

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