The Coming of Jesus Affects the Life of the Christian

by Pastor Marc Frey

There are those who see this life as their entire existence. They don't know any other life. They may have a vague hope that there is something after death, but it is so vague and uncertain that it has no effect on the way they live. To them this life is everything. They operate on the assumption that the world will keep on going pretty much as always with the possibility of some improvements. They know that they will not always be here, but since they don't know anything else they try to put thoughts of death out of their minds.

So they concentrate on their homes, ambitions, and their goals in this life. Their one aim is to get as far as possible in life and enjoy it as much as they can.

Even though Christians may at times get caught up in some of those things, they look at life differently. They know that Jesus could return at any time. Then everything will be changed. Things as they are now will come to an end. Believers will be with Jesus forever in a new and perfect life.

And so instead of devoting themselves to this life, they direct their thoughts to Christ's return. That is the big thing that affects their hopes and plans and the way they live.

They know what will be theirs so they do not allow themselves to be distracted by everything they see. They watch out for people and things that might mislead them.

Knowing that Jesus will return gives Christians a different outlook on life than they would otherwise have. To them, this life is something that they are merely passing through on the way to a permanent life with Christ. And so instead of running after everything, they use this life as a time of preparation for a timeless life with God.

And since they are constantly being tempted to adopt the view of the world which concentrates on this life as though Jesus is never coming back, they live with the end of the world in mind.

People are naturally concerned about themselves. "Self" characterizes the life of most people. They think that this life is the only life they are ever going to have so they try to get out of life all that they can. If you miss out—life is not worth living. If someone gets in your way, you come first. That is the way most people are.

Christians are to live differently, not because we are trying to earn a place in heaven, but because God loves us and in that love has already paid for our sins. That love is what gives us hope.

The Christian's live is connected to Christ. Christ is their Maker and the giver of all their gifts. Christ is their Savior through whom they have the promise of eternal life. Christ is their Lord in heaven who now rules over all things and they look forward to the time when Christ returns. Those things affect everything they think and do.

(Pastor Marc Frey is the pastor at Peace of Our Savior Lutheran Church and Preschool (WELS) New Carlisle, OH

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